[1] 北京市商務局委託項目:北京市「兩區」建設年度進展報告(2021至2022),參與
[2] 首都科技發展戰略研究院委託任務:北京城市副中心(通州區)旅遊開發格局優化和發展戰略研究報告(2020-12至2021-12),參與
[3] 北京工商大學校級平台項目:北京城市副中心(通州區)文旅商融合基礎地理信息數據庫建設(2021-1至2021-12),參與
[4] 國家文物局中國文物信息諮詢中心委託項目:開封城牆展示現狀勘察及製圖(2021-12至2022-12),負責人
[5] 地球大數據先導專項專題任務:全球濕地保護優先區劃分(2021-08至2022-08),負責人
[6] 地球大數據先導專項子課題:地球大數據支撐水安全可持續發展目標研究(2020-01至2020-12),負責人
[7] 地球大數據先導專項專題任務:全球生物多樣性保護優先區建模方法(2018-11至2020-12),負責人
[8] 國重室青年人才項目:我國高寒濕地生態系統質量評價——若爾蓋高原為例(2014-01至2015-12),負責人
[9] 國重室重大項目專題任務:全球濕地遙感驗證樣本庫的研建(2014-01至2015-12),負責人
[10] 國自科青基:我國若爾蓋高寒濕地邊界確定方法研究——以若爾蓋高原為例(2013-01至2015-12),負責人
[11] 國自科面上:中國濕地變化的時空模擬研究(2013-01至2016-12),參與
[12] 遙感科學國家重點實驗室重大項目專題任務:遙感技術在濕地保護中的應用、我國濕地變化對碳排放的影響研究(2012-01至2013-12),負責人
[13] 科技部「十二五」支撐項目第一課題:村鎮環境監測適宜關鍵技術研究(2012-01至2015-12),核心骨幹
[14] 科技部「863計劃」重點項目「全球地表覆蓋遙感製圖與關鍵技術研究」子課題「全球遙感影像輻射校正研究與處理(2010-01至2012-12),參與
[15] 科技部十一五科技支撐課題:自然保護區體系構建研究(2008-07至2010-12),核心骨幹
[1] Yi Qu, Yaomin Zheng*, Peng Gong, Jinlian Shi, Liping Li, Shudong Wang, Chunyu Luo, Hongqiang Zhang, Lei Xu. (2022). Estimation of wetland biodiversity based on the hydrological patterns and connectivity and its potential application in change detection and monitoring: A case study of the Sanjiang Plain, China. Science of the Total Environment, doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150291.(SCI, JCR分區:Q1, IF: 7.963)
[2] Yaomin Zheng, Shudong Wang*, Yue Cao, Jinlian Shi, Yi Qu, Liping Li, Tianjie Zhao, Zhenguo Niu, Rui Yang and Peng Gong. (2021). Assessing the ecological vulnerability of protected areas by using Big Earth Data. International Journal of Digital Earth, doi:10.1080/17538947.2021.1962995.(SCI, JCR分區:Q2, IF: 3.538).
[3] Jing Sun, Yaomin Zheng, Jinlian Shi*. Conѕerving the Landscape Connectivity of Natural Forest Reservess in Tourism Development. The Professional Geographer, 2021, 73(3): 573-578. (SSCI, IF: 2.359).
[4] Rui Yang*, Yue Cao, Shuyu Hou, Qinyi Peng, Xiaoshan Wang, Fangyi Wang, Tz-Hsuan Tseng, Le Yu, Steve Carver, Ian Convery, Zhicong Zhao, Xiaoli Shen, Sheng Li, Yaomin Zheng, Han Liu, Peng Gong*, Keping Ma*. Cost-effective priorities for the expansion of global terrestrial protected areas: Setting post-2020 global and national targets. Science Advances, 2020, 6:eabc3436 (SCI, IF=12.804).
[5] Yongsheng Lin, Zhixin Guo, Yaomin Zheng *, Zhang Lirong, Huang Huabing. Net Horizontal Payments for Ecosystem Services: An Application in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region of China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2019, 10(1):63~68.
[6] Yaomin Zheng, Zhenguo Niu, Peng Gong, Mengna Li, Lile Hu, Lei Wang, Yuxiang Yang, Hai-jun Gu, Jinrong Mu, Gejia Dou, Hui Xue, Lin Wang, Hua Li, Gejie Dou, Zhicairang Dang. A Method for Alpine Wetland Delineation and Features of the Border: A Case Study on the Zoige Plateau, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2017, 27(5):784~799 (SCI, IF=1.854).
[7] Huabing Huang, , Yanlei Chen, Nicholas Clinton, Jie Wang, Xiaoyi Wang, Caixia Liu, Peng Gong,Jun Yang, Yuqi Bai, Yaomin Zheng. Mapping major land cover dynamics in Beijing using all Landsat images in Google Earth Engine.Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017,202: 166~176 (SCI, IF=9.085).
[8] Yaomin Zheng, Zhenguo Niu, Peng Gong, Jie Wang. A preliminary database of global wetland validation samples (GWVS) for wetland mapping on a global scale. Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(4): 428~434(SCI,IF=9.511).
[9] Peng Gong, Jie Wang, Le Yu, Yongchao Zhao, Yuanyuan Zhao, Lu Liang, Zhenguo Niu, Xiaomeng Huang, Xiaoyi Wang, Qu Cheng, Luanyun Hu, Wenbo Yao, Han Zhang, Peng Zhu, Ziying Zhao, Haiying Zhang, Yaomin Zheng, Luyan Ji, Ping Tang, Bing Xu, Chandra Giri, Nicholas Clinton, Zhiliang Zhu, Jin Chen, Jun Chen. Finer resolution observation and monitoring of global land cover: first mapping results with Landsat TM and ETM+ data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013, 34(7): 2607~2654(SCI,IF=2.976).
[10] Yaomin Zheng, Zhenguo Niu, Peng Gong, Yongjiu Dai, Wei Shangguan. Preliminary estimation of the organic carbon pool in China’s wetlands.Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(6): 662~670(SCI,IF=0.770).
[11] Yaomin Zheng, Haiying Zhang, Zhenguo Niu, Peng Gong. Protection efficacy of national wetland reserves in China.Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(10):1116~1134(SCI,IF=0.770).[1]