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2002-2006年 中國科學技術大學 學士
2006-2012年 中國科學院生物物理研究所 博士
2012-2016年 美國國立衛生研究院 博士後/交流訪問學者
2016年- 北京大學基礎醫學院,系統生物醫學研究所 研究員
黏膜組織(mucosal tissue),包括腸道、呼吸道等,擔負着保障機體與外界正常交流的重要作用。黏膜組織內部的免疫系統在維繫組織免疫平衡、防禦病源入侵等過程中發揮着非常重要的作用,是目前免疫學研究的熱點。天然淋巴細胞(innate lymphoid cell,或ILC)是黏膜組織中大量富集的一類免疫細胞。我們希望從對ILC的研究入手,利用熒光基因報告小鼠、功能基因敲除模型、多色流式細胞分析、高通量測序、感染及腫瘤模型等手段,揭示黏膜組織中免疫系統的功能特點、調控機制及其發育過程。具體而言包括下述內容:
1. 闡釋重要轉錄因子對黏膜組織中免疫細胞(如ILC、T細胞等)發育、分化及功能的調控機制並根據關鍵轉錄因子的表達情況發現新的免疫細胞亞群;
2. 揭示黏膜組織中免疫細胞之間的相互作用關係;
3. 探索腸道表皮細胞、共生菌群對腸道免疫細胞的影響。
1. Zhong, C., Cui, K., Wilhelm, C., Hu, G., Mao, K., Belkaid, Y., Zhao, K., and Zhu, J. (2016). Group 3 innate lymphoid cells continuously require the transcription factor GATA-3 after commitment. Nature immunology 17, 169-178.
2. Sojka, D.K., Plougastel-Douglas, B., Yang, L., Pak-Wittel, M.A., Artyomov, M.N., Ivanova, Y., Zhong, C., Chase, J.M., Rothman, P.B., Yu, J., et al. (2014). Tissue-resident natural killer (NK) cells are cell lineages distinct from thymic and conventional splenic NK cells. eLife 3, e01659.
3. Yagi, R.#, Zhong, C.#, Northrup, D.L.#, Yu, F., Bouladoux, N., Spencer, S., Hu, G., Barron, L., Sharma, S., Nakayama, T., et al. (2014). The transcription factor GATA3 is critical for the development of all IL-7Ralpha-expressing innate lymphoid cells. Immunity 40, 378-388. (#,equal contribution)
4. Zhong, C., and Zhu, J. (2017). Small-Molecule RORγt Antagonists: One Stone Kills Two Birds. Trends Immunol. 38(4), 229-231. (invited review)
5. Zhong, C., and Zhu, J. (2015). Transcriptional Regulatory Network for the Development of Innate Lymphoid Cells. Mediators of inflammation 2015, 264502. (invited review)
6. Zhong, C., and Zhu, J. (2015). Bcl11b drives the birth of ILC2 innate lymphocytes. The Journal of experimental medicine 212, 828. (preview)
7. Zhong, C., and Zhu, J. (2015). Tet2: breaking down barriers to T cell cytokine expression. Immunity 42, 593-595. (preview)
8. Zhong, C., Li, C., Wang, X., Toyoda, T., Gao, G., and Fan, Z. (2012). Granzyme K inhibits replication of influenza virus through cleaving the nuclear transport complex importin alpha1/beta dimer of infected host cells. Cell death and differentiation 19, 882-890.
9. Zhang, H., Zhong, C., Shi, L., Guo, Y., and Fan, Z. (2009). Granulysin induces cathepsin B release from lysosomes of target tumor cells to attack mitochondria through processing of bid leading to Necroptosis. Journal of immunology 182, 6993-7000.
10. Hua, G., Wang, S., Zhong, C., Xue, P., and Fan, Z. (2009). Ignition of p53 bomb sensitizes tumor cells to granzyme K-mediated cytolysis. Journal of immunology 182, 2152-2159. [1]