

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
出生 1965年7月
國籍 中國
職業 教授


1987年畢業於上海交通大學材料科學與工程學院焊接專業。2000年3月獲上海交通大學工學博士學位。1998.5-1999.8/2001.1-2001.3在日本大阪大學接合科學研究所進行焊後局部熱處理力學行為等課題的合作研究。2001.12-2002.11獲日本學術振興會資助在日本發電設備技術檢查協會進行博士後研究,從事核電設備結構件焊接/局部熱處理過程應力、變形數值模擬。主要從事焊接過程數值模擬,焊接力學與結構設計,焊接變形預測與控制。負責完成 "焊接過程固態相變力學行為研究/50975176","複雜結構高精度焊接變形預測技術/50475021","AP1000主管道安裝工序優化及應力分析研究"等30餘項科研項目。合作開發焊接變形預測軟件,建立局部焊後熱處理理論和評定準則。在國內外發表學術論文80餘篇。中國焊接學會焊接計算機輔助工程專委會副主任,中國焊接學會理事。負責完成 "局部熱處理力學行為和評定準則","別克轎車副車架焊接變形預測和控制"等10餘項科研項目。合作開發焊接變形預測軟件,初步建立局部焊後熱處理理論和評定準則。在國內外發表學術論文50餘篇。中國焊接學會焊接力學及結構設計與製造專業委員會委員,上海焊接學會理事,日本焊接學會會員。 主要成就1987年畢業於上海交通大學材料科學與工程學院焊接專業


[1]Chen J Q, Lu H*,Yu, C, Chen J M, Zhang M L. Ductility dip cracking mechanisum of Ni-Cr-Fe alloy based on grain boundary energy. Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, 2013,18(4),346-353

[2]Chen J Q, Yu C, Chen J M, Lu H*, Zhang M L. Assessment of ductility dip cracking susceptibility on Ni based alloy by FEM simulation. Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, 2012,17(8),656-664

[3]Mengjia Xu, Hao Lu*, Chun Yu, Jijin Xu, Junmei Chen. Finite element simulation of butt-welded 2.25Cr-1.6W steel pipe incorporating bainite phase transformation. Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, 2013,18(3):184-190

[4]Kaiyun Wang1, Hao Lu1*,Li Gong2. Evolution of residual stresses in dissimilar steel surfacing layers during the process of post-weld heat treatment. Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, 2013,18(3):210-215

[5]Peilin Li, Yang Yang, Hao Lu*. A new thermal property measurement technique by modified pattern search method. Measurement, 2012, 45, 2121-2127

[6]Peilin Li, Hao Lu. Hybrid heat source model designing and parameter prediction on tandem submerged arc welding. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012,62:577-585

[7]Chun Yu, Yang Yang, Kaiyun Wang, Jijin Xu, Junmei Chen, Hao Lu*. Relation between Kirkendall voids and intermetallic compound layers in the SnAg/Cu solder joints. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2012, 23(1):124-129

[8]Yang Yang, Yong-Zhi Li, Hao Lu, Chun Yu, Jun-Mei Chen. First-principles calculations of Zn substitution in Cu6Sn5. Computational Materials Science, 2012,65:490-493

[9]Yang Yang, Hao Lu*, Chun Yu, Yong-Zhi Li. Void formation at the interface in Sn/Cu solder joints. Microelectronics Reliability, 2011, 51(12):2314-2318

[10]Chun Yu, Yang Yang, Hao Lu*, Jun-Mei Chen. Effects of current stressing on formation and evolution of Kirkendall voids at Sn-3.5Ag/Cu interface. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2010, 39 (8):1309-1314[1]

參考資料: 1. 代表性論著 . .上海交通大學材料學院 . 2016-02-17