陳成,男, 西南石油大學副教授。
1. Chen Cheng, Chen Yifan, Shao Yongbo, et al. Fire resistance and design assessment of Q355 circular hollow section joints [J]. Journal of Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 201, 107702.
2. Chen Cheng, Chiew Sing Ping, Zhao Mingshan, et al. Experimental study of welding effect on grade S690Q high strength steel butt joint [J]. Steel and Composite Structures, 2021, 39(4), 401-417.
3. Chen Cheng, Chiew Sing Ping, Zhao Mingshan, et al. Influence of cooling rate on tensile behaviour of S690Q high strength steel butt joint[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 173, 106258.
4. Chen Cheng, Chiew Sing Ping,Zhao Mingshan,Lee Chi King,Fung Tat Ching. Welding effect on tensile strength of grade S690Q steel butt joint[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2019,153: 153-168.
5. Chen Cheng, Zhang Xingzhao, Zhao Mingshan, et al. Effects of Welding on the Tensile Performance of High Strength Steel T-stub Joints[J]. Structures, 2017, 9: 70-78.
6. Chen Cheng, Shao Yongbo, Yang Jie. Study on fire resistance of circular hollow section (CHS) T-joint stiffened with internal rings[J]. Thin-walled Structures, 2015, 92: 104-114.
7. Chen Cheng, Shao Yongbo, Yang Jie. Experimental and numerical study on fire resistance of circular tubular T-joints[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2013, 85: 24-39.
8. 陳成, 邵永波, 楊傑. T型圓鋼管節點抗火性能的有限元研究[J]. 工程力學,2013,30 (1),229-235.
9. 周誠彬, 陳成, 趙明善等. S690Q高強鋼對接節點焊後性能(中英文), 土木與環境工程學報(中英文)[J].
10. Gao Xudong, Shao Yongbo, Chen Cheng, et al. Hysteresis behavior of EQ56 high strength steel: Experimental tests and FE simulation [J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 201, 107730.
11. Chen Wei, Shao Yongbo, Chen Cheng, et al. Axial compressive strength of preloaded CHS stubs strengthened by CFRP [J]. Marine Structures, 2022, 84, 103242.
12. Gao Xudong, Shao Yongbo, Chen Cheng, et al. Experimental and numerical investigation on transverse impact resistance behaviour of pipe-in-pipe submarine pipelines after service time [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 248, 110868.
13. Mohamed Hazem Samih, Shao Yongbo, Chen Cheng, et al. Static strength of CFRP-strengthened tubular TT-joints containing initial local corrosion defect [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 236, 109484.
14. Wang Yamin, Shao Yongbo, Chen Cheng, et al. Prediction of flexural and shear yielding strength of short span I-girders with concrete-filled tubular flanges and corrugated web-I: Experimental test [J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 148, 106592.
15. Wang Yamin, Shao Yongbo, Chen Cheng, et al. Prediction of flexural and shear yielding strength of short span I-girders with concrete-filled tubular flanges and corrugated web-II: Numerical simulation and theoretical analysis [J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 148, 106593.
16. Zhang Xiaofei, He, Weidong, Zhang Yongwang, Chen Cheng, Wu, Xun. Tensile Behavior of Basalt-Fiber-Grid-Reinforced Mortar before and after Exposure to Elevated Temperature [J]. Buildings, 2022, 12, 12122269.
17. Yang Jie, Shao Yongbo, Chen Cheng. Static strength of chord reinforced tubular Y-joints under axial loading[J]. Marine Structures, 2012, 29(12): 226-245.
18. Yang Jie, Shao Yongbo, Chen Cheng. Experimental study on fire resistance of square hollow section (SHS) tubular T-joint under axial compression[J]. Advanced Steel Construction: An International Journal. 2014, 10: 72-84.
1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:大氣腐蝕和低溫環境耦合作用下的超高強鋼焊接節點疲勞失效機理和壽命評估研究(52208211),2023.01-2025.12,主持。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:焊接鋼結構在海洋平台乾濕交替環境與多軸應力耦合作用下腐蝕疲勞失效演化過程與評估(52078441),2021.01-2014.12,主研。
3. 四川省自然科學基金青年基金項目:超高強度鋼焊接節點分層微觀結構疲勞失效機制研究及疲勞壽命評估技術構建(2022NSFSC1130),2022.01-2023.12,主持。
4. 西南石油大學科研「啟航計劃」項目:超高強度鋼焊接節點分層微觀結構疲勞性能失效機制和評估方法研究(2021QHZ002),2021.11-2024.10,主持。
5. 中石油勝利油田分公司科研項目:海洋平台結構高溫失效試驗測試(建工F061),2021.08-2021.12,主持。
1. 四川省「天府峨眉計劃」青年人才,2022年。
2. 「導管架採油平台關鍵結構失效評估與維修加固技術」, 中國石油和化工自動化應用協會,科技進步二等獎,2017年,第3位。[1]