2013年-2015年 福建省自然科學基金 2013J01011 偽概周期函數及其在生物數學上的應用 主持人
2008年9月-2011年12月 福建省教育廳基金JA08010 測度鏈上的微分方程及其在生物數學中的應用,主持人
2006年1月-2008年12月,國家自然科學基金項目(青年基金)(10501007)非線性生態動力系統的研究, 排名第四
2011年-2013年福建省自然科學基金 2011J01007 反饋控制生態動力系統若干問題研究,排名第二
1.Chen Xiaoxing, Almost periodic solutions of nonlinear delay population equation with feedback control, Nonlinear Analysis , Series B: Real World Applications,8(1)(2007)62-72.
2.Chen Xiaoxing, Chen Fengde, Almost periodic solutions of a delay population equation with feedback control, Nonlinear Analysis, Series B: Real World Applications,7(4)(2006)559-571 .
3.Xiaoxing Chen, Periodicity in a Nonlinear Discrete Predator-Prey System with State
Dependent Delays,Nonlinear Analysis, Series B: Real World Applications 8(2)(2007)435-446.
4. Chen Xiaoxing,Permanence and Global Stability for Nonlinear Discrete Model, Advances in Complex Systems,9(1), (2006),1-10.
5. Xiaoxing Chen, Chen Fengde, Stable periodic solution of a discrete periodic Lotka-Volterra competition system with a feedback control, Applied Mathematica and Computation, 181(2 ) 2006, 1446-1454. 6. Xiaoxing Chen. Permanence in a discrete n-species non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra competitive systems with infinite delays and feedback control, Advance in Complex Systems, 10(4)(2007)463-477.
7.Xiaoxing Chen, Periodicity in a Nonlinear Predator-Prey System on Time Scales with State Dependent Delays, Applied Mathematica and Computation, 196(1)(2008)118-128.
8.Na Fang, Xiaoxing Chen*, Global stability od nonlinear discrete population model with time delays, Advance in Comples Systems, 10(3)(2007)315-333.
9. Na Fang ,Xiaoxing Chen*, Permanence of a discrete multispecies Lotka-Volterra competition predator-prey system with delays, Nonlinear Analysis, Series B: Real World Applications,9(5)(2008)2185-2195.
10. Xiaoxing Chen, Haijun Guo, Four periodic solutions of a generalized delayed predator-prey system on Time Scales, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 38(5)(2008)1-16.
11.Chengying Niu, Xiaoxing Chen*, Almost periodic sequence solutions of a discrete Lotka-Volterra competitive system with feedback control,Nonlinear Analysis,Series B: Real World Applications, 10(2009)3152-3161.
12.Xiaoxing Chen, Faxin Lin, Almost periodic solutions of neutral functional differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis, Series B: Real World Applications, 11(2010)1182-1189. 13. Xiaoxingchen, Xiangyang Hu, Weighted pseudo-almost periodic solutions of neutral functional differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis, Series B: Real World Applications, 12(1)(2011)601-610.
14. HaijunGuo, XiaoxingChen*, Existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solution for a Volterra model with mutual interference and Beddington-DeAngelis functional response., Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (2011) 5830–5837.
15. Xiaoli Xie,Chunhua Zhang, Xiaoxing Chen*, Jiangyong Chen, Almost periodic sequence solution of a discrete Hassell-Varley predator-prey system with feedback control Applied Mathematics and Computation,268(2015) 35-51.[1]