1、深度學習; 2、計算機視覺與模式識別; 3、醫學圖像分析;4、自然語言處理;5、AI4Science。
- 國家科技部 鵬城雲腦網絡智能重大科技基礎設施 , PCL2021A13,2021-06至 2023-6, 2165.14 萬,在研,課題負責人
- 深圳市發改委,大規模醫療健康仿真系統,4339.50萬元,鵬城實驗室雲腦II平台軟件,實驗室團隊項目負責人
- 國家自然科學基金,61972217, 小樣本複雜場景圖像的結構解析與學習, 2020/1/1—2023/12/31
- 廣東省聯合基金重點項目,2019B1515120049, 大規模圖像數據庫增量計算理論與系統,2020/1/1—2022/12/31
- 廣東省防控新型冠狀病毒感染科技攻關應急專項,2020B1111340056,小樣本新型冠狀肺炎的多模態可解釋性早期診斷,2020-2至2021-6,800萬
- 深圳市政府資助,醫學大數據庫收集與醫學圖像分析,2018/6/1-2020/12/31
- 國家自然科學基金, 61671427, 弱監督視覺目標檢測, 2017/1/1—2020/12/31
- University of Oulu, Finland, Heart ratio measurement from VIS lighting conditions, 2015/3/1-2015/4/31
- 國家自然科學基金, 61271433, 多視角多姿態人體目標檢測, 2013/1/1-2016/12/31
- University of Oulu, Finland, Local descriptor for face recognition, 2012/9/1-2012/11/31
- Academy of Finland, Affective human-robot interaction, 01/2009 - 12/2018
- Finland Tekes, Joint Research in Face Analysis and Visual Surveillance (JointFavis), 04/2008 - 03/2010
- Academy of Finland, Texture analysis in machine vision, 09/2007- 12/2018
IAPR ICB 2006 人臉驗證競賽第一名,該競賽由英國University of Surrey的Josef Kittler 組織。
署名作者文章100+篇,包括Nature 子刊,TPAMI,IJCV,TIP,CVPR,ICCV,ECCV,NIPS等。根據Google Scholar 統計,到2022年8月初為止,文獻被引用次數達6,500+次。詳細的論文列表見鏈接:
[1] J. Chen, S. Shan, C. He, G. Zhao, M. Pietikäinen, X. Chen, and W. Gao. WLD: A Robust Local Image Descriptor. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 32(9):1705-1720, 2010 (SCI: 24)(引用排名在AI領域從2010到2014的五年內的所有文獻中排名第56,數據是基於WoS Core的統計)(TPAMI)(國際頂級期刊)(引用1200餘次)
[2] Xiawu Zheng, Rongrong Ji, Qiang Wang, Yuhang Chen, Baochang, Zhang, Jie Chen, Qixiang Ye, Feiyue Huang, Yonghong Tian, MIGO-NAS: Towards Fast and Generalizable Neural Architecture Search, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. (已錄用) (SCI: 24) (TPAMI)(國際頂級期刊)
[3] M. Pietikainen, L. Liu, J. Chen, X. Wang, G. Zhao, R. Chellappa, Compact and Efficient Feature Representation and Learning in Computer Vision, Editorial for a special issue on IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2018 (SCI: 24) (TPAMI)
[4] R. Wang, S. Shan, X. Chen, J. Chen, and W. Gao. Maximal Linear Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 33(9):1776-1792, 2011 (72 citations by Google Scholar) (SCI: 24) (TPAMI)(國際頂級期刊)
[5] L. Liu, W. Ouyang, X. Wang, P. Fieguth, J. Chen, X.Liu, M. Pietikainen, Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection: A Survey, International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV)2020, (SCI: 13)(1700+ citations by Google Scholar)
[6] L. Liu, J. Chen, P. Fieguth, G. Zhao, R. Chellappa, M. Pietikainen, From BoW to CNN: Two Decades of Texture Representation for Texture Classification, International Journal of Computer Vision 2019 (IJCV) (SCI: 13)
[7] J. Chen, R. Wang, S. Yan, S. Shan, X. Chen, and W. Gao. Enhancing Human Face Detection by Resampling Examples through Manifolds. IEEE Trans. on System Man, and Cybernetics. 37(6):1017-1028, 2007.11 (39 citations by Google Scholar) (SCI: 13) (TSMC) (國際頂級期刊)
[8] W. Ke, J. Chen, J. Jiao, G. Zhao, Q. Ye, SRN: Side-output Residual Network for Object Symmetry Detection in the Wild, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2018 (SCI: 14) (TNNLS)
[9] Ce Li, Chunyu Xie, Baochang Zhang, Jungong Han, Xiantong Zhen, Jie Chen; "Memory Attention Networks for Skeleton-based Action Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2021, (SCI: 14) (TNNLS)
[10] J. Chen, G. Zhao, M. Salo, E. Rahtu, and M. Pietikäinen, Automatic Dynamic Texture Segmentation Using Local Descriptors and Optical Flow, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2013 (73 citations by Google Scholar) (SCI: 11) (TIP)(國際頂級期刊)
[11] S. Xie, S. Shan, X. Chen, and J. Chen, Fusing Local Patterns of Gabor Magnitude and Phase for Face Recognition, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 19(5), pp: 1349-1361, 2010, (430 citations by Google Scholar) (SCI: 11) (引用排名在AI領域從2010到2014五年內的所有文獻中排名第225,數據是基於WoS Core的統計)(TIP) (國際頂級期刊)
[12] L. Liu, J. Chen, G. Zhao, P. Fieguth, X. Chen, M. Pietikäinen, Texture Classification in Extreme Scale Variations using GANet, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, (SCI: 11) (TIP) (國際頂級期刊)
[13] Q. Liu, X. Hong, B. Zou, J. Chen, Z. Chen, Hierarchical Contour Closure based Holistic Salient Object Detection, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017 (SCI: 11) (TIP) (國際頂級期刊)
[14] Y. Xu, X. Hong, J. Chen, X. Liu, F. Porikli, G. Zhao, Saliency Integration: An Arbitrator Model, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2019 (SCI: 8.1)(TMM)(國際頂級期刊)
[15] Jiancheng Cai, Han Hu, Jiyun Cui, Jie Chen, Li Liu, S.Kevin Zhou; Semi-supervised Natural Face De-occlusion IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (SCI: 7.2) (TIFS), 2020(國際頂級期刊)
[16] J. Chen, X. Chen, J. Yang, S. Shan, R. Wang, and W. Gao, Optimization of a training set for more robust face detection, Pattern recognition, 41(11):2828-2840, 2009 (43 citations by Google Scholar) (SCI: 8.5) (PR) (國際頂級期刊)
[17] X. Qi, G. Zhao, J. Chen, M. Pietikäinen, Exploring Illumination Robust Descriptors for Human Epithelial Type 2 Cell Classification, Pattern Recognition, 2016 (SCI: 8.5) (PR) (國際頂級期刊)
[18] Huang, Lun; Wang, Wenmin; Xia, Yaxian; Chen, Jie; ", Adaptively aligned image captioning via adaptive attention time, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS),2019 (國際頂級會議)
[19] Lun Huang, Wenmin Wang, Jie Chen and Xiao-Yong Wei, Attention on Attention for Image Captioning. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019. (Oral) (國際頂級會議)(400+citations by Google Scholar)
[20] Can Zhang,Meng Cao,Dongming Yang,Jie Chen,Yuexian Zou; " Learn to Compare: Localize Actions under Weak Supervision, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),2021 (國際頂級會議)
[21] Qiong Wu, Pingyang Dai, Jie Chen, Chia-Wen Lin, Yongjian Wu, Feiyue Huang, Bineng Zhong, Rongrong Ji; Discover Cross-Modality Nuances for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification,Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021 (國際頂級會議)
[22] Y. Zhai, S. Lu, Q. Ye, X. Shan, J. Chen, R. Ji,Y. Tian,AD-Cluster: Augmented Discriminative Clustering for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification,The Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR,Google 統計計算機視覺&模式 識別領域影響力最高的刊物) 2020 (國際頂級會議)
[23] Q. Ye, T. Zhang, Q. Qiu, B. Zhang, J. Chen, and G. Sapiro, Self-learning Scene-specific Pedestrian Detectors using a Progressive Latent Model, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2017 (CVPR) (國際頂級會議)
[24] W. Ke, J. Chen, J. Jiao, G. Zhao, Q. Ye, SRN: Side-output Residual Network for Object Symmetry Detection in the Wild, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2017 (Oral, 1.72% 錄用率) (CVPR) (國際頂級會議)
[25] X. Li, J. Chen, G. Zhao and M. Pietikäinen, Remote heart rate measurement from face videos under realistic situations. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2014. (400+ citations by Google Scholar) (CVPR) (國際頂級會議)
[26] J. Chen, D. Yi, J. Yang, G. Zhao, S. Li, and M. Pietikäinen, Learning Mappings for Face Synthesis from Near Infrared to Visual Light Images, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009 (116 citations by Google Scholar, Google 統計計算機視覺&模式識別領域影響力最高的刊物) (CVPR) (國際頂級期刊)
[27] J. Chen, S. Shan, G. Zhao, X. Chen, W. Gao, and M. Pietikäinen. A Robust Descriptor based on Weber's Law. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2008 (74 citations by Google Scholar) (CVPR) (國際頂級會議)
[28] S. Yan, S. Shan, X. Chen, W. Gao, and J. Chen. Matrix-Structural Learning (MSL) of Cascaded Classifier from Enormous Training Set. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007 (40 citations by Google Scholar) (CVPR) (國際頂級會議)
[29] J. Chen, V. Kellokumpu, G. Zhao, M. Pietikäinen, RLBP: robust local binary pattern, British machine vision conference, 2013 (90 citations by Google Scholar) (BMVC) (國際頂級會議)
[30] Zhongyi Huang, Yao Ding, Guoli Song, Lin Wang, Ruizhe Geng, Hongliang He, Shan Du, Xia Liu, Yonghong Tian, Yongsheng Liang, S. Kevin Zhou, and Jie Chen; BCData: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Cell Detection and Counting,Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society (MICCAI) 2020, (國際頂級會議)[1]