2016/01- 至 今 ,北京林業大學,材料科學與技術學院木材科學與工程系,副教授
1. Gao YQ, Li YY, Li Li, Gao JM, Chen Y*. Enhancing the mechanical properties and hydrophobicity of heat-treated wood by migrating and relocating sulfonated lignin. Holzforschung, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2021-0207
2. Gao YQ, Wang MJ, Li YY, Li Li, Gao JM, Chen Y*. Enhanced mechanical and humidity resistance properties of heat?treated wood by impregnation of low?molecular?weight lignin. Wood Science and Technology, 2002, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00226-022-01417-7
3. Gao YQ, Wang MJ, Li YY, Li Li, Chen Y*. Volume fractal and surface fractal analysis of the pore structure of natural and heat-treated spruce wood using the mercury intrusion porosimetry test. Holzforschung, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1515/hf-2022-0099
4. Liu F, Wang MJ, Chen Y*, Gao JM. Polycarbosilane as a modulator for reaction?bonded silicon carbide processing of GNPs/Si mixtures. Applied Physics A, 2022, 128:767.
5. Liu F, Wang MJ, Chen Y*, Gao JM, Ma T. Mechanical properties and microstructure of reaction sintering SiC ceramics reinforced with graphene?based fillers. Applied Physics A 2019,125:68
6. Liu F, Wang MJ, Chen Y*, Gao JM. Thermal stability of graphene in inert atmosphere at high temperature. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2019, 276: 100-103.
7. Meng Y, Chen GY, Hong GH, Wang MJ, Gao JM, Chen Y*. Energy Efficiency Performance Enhancement of Industrial Conventional Wood Drying Kiln by Adding Forced Ventilation and Waste Heat Recovery System: A Comparative Study. Maderas-Cienc Tecnol 2019, 21(4):545-558.
8. Liu Y, Liu F, Chen Y*, Gao JM. Color adjustment of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wood by producing chromogenic structure under heat treatment. Bioresources 2019, 14(4),8182-8195.
9. Wei YX, Zhang P, Liu Y, Chen Y*, Gao JM, Fan YM. Kinetic Analysis of the Color of Larch Sapwood and Heartwood during Heat Treatment. Forests 2018, 9, 289; doi:10.3390/f9060289.
10. Zhang P, Wei YX, Gao JM, Chen Y*. Heat-induced discoloration of chromophore structures in Eucalyptus lignin. Materials 2018, 11, 1686.
11. Wang MJ, Liu F, Chen Y*, Gao JM. Fabrication of macroporous biomorphic SiC from cellulose nanofibers aerogel. Materials 2018, 11, 2430.
12. Meng Y, Wang MJ, Tang MF, Hong GH, Gao JM*, Chen Y*. Preparation of Robust Superhydrophobic Halloysite Clay Nanotubes via Mussel-Inspired Surface Modification. Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 1129; doi:10.3390/app7111129
13. Zhang J, Gao JM, Chen Y*, Hao XM, Jin XJ. Characterization, preparation, and reaction mechanism of hemp stem based activated carbon. Results in Physics 2017, 7: 1628-1633.
14. Zhang J, Liu F, Gao JM*, Chen Y*, Hao XM. Ordered mesoporous TiO2/activated carbon for adsorption and photocatalysis of acid red 18 solution. Bioresources 2017, 12(4), 9086-9102.
15. Liu F, Chen Y*, Gao JM*. Preparation and characterization of biobased graphene from Kraft lignin. Bioresources 2017, 12(3), 6545-6557.
16. Wei YX, Wang MJ, Zhang P, Chen Y*, Gao JM, Fan YM. The role of phenolic extractives in color changes of locust wood (Robinia pseudoacacia) during heat treatment. Bioresources 2017, 12(4), 7041-7055.
17. Chen Y*, Stark NM, Tshabalala MA, Gao JM, Fan YM. Weathering characteristics of wood plastic composites reinforced with extracted or delignified wood flour. Materials 2016, 9(8):610.
18. Yu H, Gao J*, Chen Y*. Preparation and properties of stearic acid/expanded graphite composite phase change material for low-temperature solar thermal application. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2016,124 (1):87-92.
19. 張婉婕,謝晨,王明傑,陳瑤,高建民. 碳化硅木陶瓷衍生碳材料製備及其電容性能,東北林業大學學報,2022,50(8):117-128.
20. 何林韓,凌凱莉,劉士瑞,陳瑤,高建民. 脫木素對木基複合相變儲熱材料封裝效率及熱性能的影響,木材科學與技術.2022, DOI:10.12326/j.2096-9694.2021074
21. 高義欽,李元元,任瑞清,陳瑤*,高建民. 弱酸改性對高溫熱處理杉木結構及性能的影響, 林業工程學報,2021,6( 4):49-55.
22. 唐夢菲,王明傑,陳瑤,高建民.酸酐改性硫酸鹽木質素增強HDPE複合材料的物理力學性能,西北林學院學報.2020, 35(2):202-207.
23. 宋偉杉,劉士瑞,趙雪,陳瑤,高建民. 疏水性木粉-SiO2氣凝膠複合材料的製備及其性能研究[J].林產化學與工業,2020,40(02):93-98.
24. 唐夢菲,陳瑤*,高建民. 基於Unity 3D的手勢感應自動開關門衣櫃設計及功能模擬[J].林業工程學報, 2020,5(5):172-176.
25. 宋偉杉,王明傑,劉士瑞,陳瑤,高建民. 硬質PUR/膨脹蛭石複合保溫材料的製備與性能.工程塑料應用, 2019,47(9):22-27.
26. 陳瑤,何林韓,任瑞清,王明傑,高建民. 一種SiO2氣凝膠基光熱功能型複合相變儲能材料的製備方法. CN112521913B.
27. 陳瑤,何林韓,任瑞清,王明傑,高建民. 一種碳化木基複合相變儲能材料的製備方法. CN112391149B.
28. 陳瑤,宋偉杉,劉士瑞,高建民. 一種實木纖維/SiO2氣凝膠複合保溫材料及製備方法.CN110615663B.
29. 陳瑤,高建民,趙陽,張驥. 一種漢麻稈、樹根混合活性炭的工藝. CN106608625B.
30. 劉煬,陳瑤,高建民,張鵬,衛燕霞. 一種利用紅木乾燥廢液浸漬調控速生材顏色的方法.CN108943261B.[1]