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來自 中國科學院 的圖片

韓永明,男,漢族,1971年生,博士中國科學院地球環境研究所研究員[1] ,2016年度國家傑出青年科學基金建議資助項目申請人 [2]




民 族 ---- 漢族


國 籍 ---- 中國

職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者



學 位 ---- 博士

職 稱 ---- 研究員


1992年,成都地質學院,獲學士學位 ;

1992-2000年,新疆地礦局,助理工程師、工程師 ;

2003年,長安大學,獲碩士學位 ;

2006年,中國科學院地球環境研究所,獲博士學位 ;

2008.5-2008.8,香港理工大學,研究助理 ;

2008.9-2009.9,美國Columbia University訪問學者,美國航空航天局(NASA)GISS研究中心,Associate Research Scientist ;

2013-至今,Adjunct Senior Research Scientist,美國Columbia University ;

2006-至今,中國科學院地球環境研究所,助理研究員、副研究員(2008年9月起)、研究員(2010年12月起) 。


主要研究興趣:大氣化學、全球環境和氣候變化、氣溶膠、沉積物、土壤黑碳等。在國際上首次從測量方法上區分了兩種不同類型的黑碳-焦碳和煙炱,並將熱光反射法從氣溶膠擴展到土壤、沉積物黑碳測量中 。

獲中國科學院優秀博士論文獎,以及Elsevier頒發的2005-2010年度高引用中國大陸學者稱號。2006年以來已發表文章30餘篇,其中以第一作者發表在Science of the Total Environment上的文章引用已達120餘次,連續被該雜誌評為2005-2010和2006-2011年度引用最多的10篇文章之一 。


當前主持有科技部科技支撐項目、國家自然科學基金面上項目、戰略性先導科技專項子課題、中國科學院資源和環境領域重要方向性項目,973國家重點研究發展計劃項目子課題、"西部之光"人才類項目等 。











來自 搜狐 的圖片


截至2015年7月已發表SCI論文70餘篇,其中第一作者21篇,SCI引用1300餘次 。

1.Xu H.M., Cao J.J., Ho K.F., Ding H., Han Y.M., Wang G.H., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Khol S.D., Qiang J., Li W.T., 2011. Lead concentrations in fine particulate matter after the phasing out of leaded gasoline in Xi'an, China. Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.09.078. In Press.

2. Cheng Y., Zou S.C., Lee S.C., Chow J.C., Ho K.F., Watson J.G., Han Y.M., Zhang R.J., Zhang F., Yau P.S., Huang Y., Bai Y. and Wu W.J., 2011. Characteristics and source apportionment of PM1 emissions at a roadside station. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 195, 82-91.

3.Zhang T., Cao J.J., Tie X.X., Shen Z.X., Liu S.X., Ding H., Han Y.M., Wang G.H., Ho K.F., Qiang J., Li W.T., 2011. Water-soluble ions in atmospheric aerosols measured in Xi'an, China: Seasonal variations and sources. Atmospheric Research, 102, 110-119.

4.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Yan, B. Kenna T.C., Jin Z.D., Cheng Y., Chow J.C., An Z.S., 2011. Comparison of elemental carbon in lake sediments measured by three different methods and 150-year pollution history in eastern China. Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 5287-5293.

5.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Kenna T.C., Yan, B. Jin Z.D., Wu F., An Z.S., 2011. Distribution and ecotoxicological significance of trace element contamination in a ~150 yr record of sediments in Lake Chaohu, eastern China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 743-752.

6.Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Tao J., Lee S.C., Watson J.G., Ho K.F., Wang G.H., Zhu C.S., Han Y.M., 2011. Stable carbon isotopes in aerosols from Chinese cities: influence of fossil fuels. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 1359-1363.

7.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Ho K.F., An Z.S., 2010. Different characteristics of char and soot in the atmosphere and their ratio as an indicator for source identification in Xi'an, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 595-607.

8.Jin Z.D., Han Y.M., Chen L., 2010. Past atmospheric Pb deposition in Lake Qinghai, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Paleolimnology, 43, 551-563.

9.Han Y.M., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Ho K.F., An Z.S., 2009. Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of char-EC and soot-EC in the atmosphere over China. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 6066-6073.

10.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., An Z.S., Liu S.X., 2009. Elemental carbon in urban soils and road dusts in Xi'an, China and its implication for air pollution. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 2464-2470.

11.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Fung K., Jin Z.D., Liu S.X., An Z.S., 2009. The effect of acidification on the determination of elemental carbon, char-, and soot-elemental carbon in soils and sediments. Chemosphere, 75, 92-99.

12.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Jin Z.D., An Z.S., 2009. Elemental composition of aerosols in Daihai, a rural area in the front boundary of the summer Asian monsoon. Atmospheric Research, 92, 229-235.

13.Cao J.-J. Xu B.-Q., He J.-Q., Liu X.-Q., Han Y.-M., Wang G.-H., Zhu C.-S., 2009. Concentrations, seasonal variations, and transport of carbonaceous aerosols at a remote Mountainous region in western China. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 4444-4452.

14.Cao J.-J. Zhu C.-S., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Han Y.-M., Wang G.-H., Shen Z.-X., An Z.-S., 2009. Black carbon relationships with emissions and meteorology in Xi'an, China. Atmospheric Research, 94, 194-202.

15.Han Y.M., Han Z.W., Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., An Z.S., Liu S.X., Zhang R.J., 2008. Distribution and origin of carbonaceous aerosol over a rural high-mountain lake area, Northern China and its transport significance. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 2405-2414.

16.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., Fung K., Tian H., An Z.S., 2008. Particulate-associated potentially harmful elements in urban road dusts in Xi'an, China. Applied Geochemistry, 23, 835-845.

17.Cao J.J., Zhu, C.S., Chow J.C., Liu W.G., Han Y.M., Watson J.G., 2008. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate in fugitive dust in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 9118-9122.

18.Li X.X., Cao J.J., Chow J., Han Y.M., Lee S.C., Watson J., 2008. Chemical Characteristics of Carbonaceous Aerosols during Dust Storms over Xi'an in China. Advance in Atmospheric Science, 25, 847-855.

19.Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Wu F., Han Y.M., Jin Z.D., Shen Z.X., An Z.S., 2008. Size-differentiated source profiles for fugitive dust in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 2261-2275.

20.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., An Z.S., Chow J.C., Waston J.G., Jin Z.D., Fung K., Liu S.X., 2007. Evaluation of the thermal/optical reflectance method for quantification of elemental carbon in sediments. Chemosphere 69, 526-533.

21.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Fung K., Jin Z.D., Liu S.X., An Z.S., 2007. Evaluation of the thermal/optical reflectance method for discrimination between char- and soot-EC. Chemosphere 69, 569-574.

22.Han Y.M., Jin Z.D., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., An Z.S., 2007. Atmospheric Cu and Pb deposition and transport in lake sediments in a remote mountain area, Northern China. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 179, 167-181.

23. Han Y.M., Du P.X., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., 2006. Multivariate analysis of heavy metal contamination in urban dusts of Xi'an, Central China. Science of the Total Environment, 355, 176-186.


  1. 韓永明 ,陝西關中平原區域生態環境變化與綜合治理國家野外科學觀測研究站
  2. 韓永明 (中國科學院地球環境研究所研究員) ,石塘網, 2022-12-24
  3. 中國科學院地球環境研究所粉塵與環境研究室博士後招聘啟事 ,黃土與第四紀地質國家重點實驗室, 2017-12-29