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可可小姐唇膏讓塗抹唇膏成為每日天必備而又簡單精緻的動作。瞬間融化的柔軟細膩質地,和奢華經典的包裝,讓它成為每一位女性的閨中密友,並在她們的手提包中占有一席之地。 全新可可小姐的配方是滋潤和舒適的完美結合。香奈兒獨有的柔潤複合物,輕輕一抹便提供8小時滋潤感受。特別研製的高質獨特色彩因子更加強了配方的舒適度,賦予雙唇絲般的潤澤效果。 香奈兒運用所有的創意與科技,始終忠於黑和金的色彩結合,將這款唇膏的經典包裝打上「Coco時代」的當代風尚烙印。香奈兒可可小姐唇膏由30支雋永、純粹、閃耀的唇膏所組成。這些色彩適合各類場合和心情,並將個性散發到極致。


  • 中文名:香奈兒可可小姐唇膏
  • 類 別:化妝品
  • 外文名:CHANEL
  • 特 點:唇膏











ROUGE COCO以嶄新的金屬外鞘亮相,這種材質冷卻得很快,每次當你探入手袋內搜尋唇膏時,都能輕而易舉地滑入你的手中。


有些人也許會稱他們為完美主義者,但不管別人怎麼形容,研發ROUGE COCO開合裝置的工程師們,歷經了無數次的嘗試,開開合合了幾百支唇膏外殼後,才在輕柔的觸壓與那一聲悅耳聲響間找到理想的平衡。這一細節賦予了 ROUGE COCO那漆黑如釉的外鞘以獨特的奢華感受。


除了些微不同的外表,ROUGE COCO的包裝還增添了一個不易察覺的秘密特徵:在唇膏外鞘的內側底部,印有交織的立體雙C圖案。而膏體本身也印有CHANEL的字樣。這是唯有它的擁有者每日享受時才能看到的私密細節。


得益於香奈兒品牌淵源悠久的專業香水製作工藝,ROUGE COCO的淡雅芳香得以被重新詮釋,如同一大束新鮮欲滴的玫瑰花束,在覆盆子的果香與香草隱約細緻的粉質氣息的襯托下盡顯馥郁。


ROUGE COCO並不只是個時髦的配件,更重要的是它為女人帶來了令人沉醉的舒適體驗。瞬間融化的質地極致柔軟細膩,在唇間蕩漾,締造出精緻的絲緞般妝效。

香奈兒獨有的柔潤複合物(HYDRATENDER complex),結合了白芒花籽油衍生物(Meadowfoam oil derivative)、天然脂(natural esters)與植物保濕因子(phyto-ceramides),賦予雙唇理想的潤澤效果。

白芒花油衍生物(Meadowfoam oil derivative):令妝效持久的保護膜


天然脂(natural esters):強化天然潤澤效果

天然保濕因子(Natural Moisturising Factor)的構成要素,能在唇部表面發揮微海棉的作用,牢牢鎖住水份,即刻潤澤唇部肌膚。



香奈兒從印刷領域最新科技中汲取靈感,為ROUGE COCO研製出高質獨特色彩因子。它們能避免因配方中色素過量而導致唇部乾燥的問題。由此,ROUGE COCO在賦予雙唇細緻、亮澤色彩的同時,也帶來無比潤澤的舒適感受。

香奈兒ROUGE COCO系列由35支雋永、純粹、閃耀的唇膏所組成。雅致的粉色、鮮亮的紅色、經典的米色或古銅般的棕色,每一款色澤都精妙絕倫,能隨心所欲地按自己的方式來使用和搭配。每一支ROUGE COCO唇膏都有屬於自己的名字,從那些充滿傳奇的地方到香奈兒女士鍾愛的珠寶,從某一段情感到那些耳熟能詳的經典標誌,ROUGE COCO系列將嘉柏麗爾•香奈兒女士(Gabrielle Chanel)生活中的點滴片段用35支唇膏串聯了起來。



Price: ¥ 285.00

Specifications: 3.5g

Availability: March 2010

Products: lipstick (color) / Lipliner

Benefits: Lip Makeup

Description: Chanel's creativity and the use of all technology, packaging will be marked with this classic lipstick "Coco era" brand.

Technical team will change into one modern, while still keeping the original perfect fashion, this is a real challenge. As N ° 5 of the bottle with changing times, subtle changes are also doing the same, this classic favorite Chanel lipstick also experienced several changes. The final time in hand it is an indescribably complex impression, both silent and historical style familiar, more contemporary future-oriented fashion.

Low-key luxury bloom

ROUGE COCO metal outer sheath with a new appearance, this material is cooled quickly, the bag every time you start searching lipstick when the probe, can easily slip into your hands.

It soon turned the sweet sound of the temptation

Some may call them a perfectionist, but no matter how people described the opening and closing device ROUGE COCO R & D engineers who, after numerous attempts to open the opening and closing hundreds of lipstick case together only after the soft with that of a sweet touch and pressure to find the ideal balance between sound. This gives details of the dark, such as enamel ROUGE COCO outer sheath with a unique luxury experience.

Details of the ultimate perfection

In addition to slightly different appearance, ROUGE COCO package also adds a subtle secret features: the lipstick inside the bottom of the outer sheath, printed three-dimensional woven double C logo. The paste itself is printed with the word CHANEL. This is the only owner of it to see the day when the private enjoyment of the details.

The kind of elegant fragrance

Origin due to a long professional brand Chanel perfume production process, ROUGE COCO's elegant fragrance to be re-interpreted as a large bunch of fresh roses dripping in raspberry fruit and subtle vanilla flavor of the background detail of the silty Under the filling fragrance.

ROUGE COCO: results of cutting-edge technology

ROUGE COCO is not just a fashionable accessory, more importantly, it brought a very intoxicated woman comfortable experience. Ultimate moment soft and delicate texture, melting, rippling in the lips to create a fine satin-like looking results.

Chanel's unique soft compound (HYDRATENDER complex), a combination of flower seed oil derivatives Pak Mong (Meadowfoam oil derivative), the natural fat (natural esters) and plant moisture factor (phyto-ceramides), gives the ideal moist lips effect.

Pak Mong flower oil derivatives (Meadowfoam oil derivative): so looking results lasting protective film

Extracted from a North American herb that can protect the surface of the lip skin barrier and prevent moisture loss, to effectively maintain the 8 hours of the lips moist.

Natural fat (natural esters): Strengthen the natural moisturizing effect

Natural moisturizing factor (Natural Moisturising Factor) of the constituent elements, the surface of the lips can play the role of micro-sponge, firmly retain water, instantly moisturizing lip skin.[1]

Plant moisturizing factor (phyto-ceramides): restore
