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《Dream》是盧巧音演唱歌曲,收錄於專輯《My Collection》。


Dream - 盧巧音 (Candy Lo)

I fell asleep last night when the room was dark

The moon was shining blue i had a dream with you

You walk side by side with me

And i want to hold your hand

And i can feel your warmth everything seems true

Nothing's really gonna blue nothing bothers you

You can see it from my eyes wanting you

You sad and you cry you just live at night

We only meet at night love is pain we find

It's true i do confess

We'll never have our days there's no eternal life

But the moon still keeps on shining

Nothing's really gonna blue nothing bothers you

You can see it from my eyes wanting you

I don't want to live a black way

I don't want to hate

I don't want to live a black way

I don't want to hate

I don't want to live a black way

I don't want to live day by day

I don't want to live a black way

I don't want to live day by day

I don't want to hate

I don't want to hate

I don't want to hate

I don't…

I don't want to hate

I don't

I don't want to hate

I don't

I don't


盧巧音自小喜歡唱歌和表演, 1994年盧巧音加入地下樂隊(Black and Blue),作為主音歌手出道,隨後推出首張樂隊專輯《Hope In Just One Day》。




1998年憑歌曲〈垃圾〉一炮而紅, 此曲被唱至街知巷聞, 開始歌手生涯,之後出過許多流行作品〈三角誌〉及〈好心分手〉等多首作品,直到目前仍然是卡拉OK點唱率最高的曲目一。2011年, 盧巧音因健康理由,宣布退出歌唱事業,主力發展幕後工作, 減少幕前演出。[1] 2013年,與Kolor主音蘇浩才於4月登記結婚,6月宣布結婚喜訊。[2]

2014年,宣布復出開演唱會。2017年盧巧音於旺角麥花臣場館舉行《RE:TURN Candy Lo Concert 2017》, 反應熱烈,全場歡呼聲四起。 獲好友撐場, 好友鄭秀文更上台一起演唱。[3]
