
Just Believe (薛凱琪演唱歌曲)檢視原始碼討論檢視歷史

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋

《Just Believe》是香港歌手薛凱琪演唱的英文歌曲。

中文名 Just Believe

歌曲語言 英文

歌曲標籤 流行

版 本 伴奏/純音樂 [1]






just believe

carried away

Anything can happen

Anything can happen

It's all gonna turn out right

I know you've seen better days

But think about how far that you've come

Yeah, its all gonna turn out right

'Cause I know Someone who has it all figured out, yeah

So you don't have to face this on your own,

On your own, yeah, yeah

Just believe that one day

You will see things for how they are

Until then, don't give up

Cause anything can happen

Just believe that one day

You will see things for how they are

Until then, don't give up

Cause anything can happen

Anything can happen (yeah, cause anything can happen)

Anything can happen (uh-uh-uh-oh)

Don't look left and don't turn right

Keep your eye on the path ahead

And things you didn't understand will make more sense

Yeah, its all gonna turn out right

Cause you can get back up

Don't let it hold you down, yeah

Cause you don't have to face this on your own, on your own

Just believe that one day

You will see things for how they are

Until then, don't give up

Cause anything can happen

Just believe that one day

You will see things for how they are

Until then, don't give up

Cause anything can happen

Anything can happen (yeah, cause anything can happen)

Anything can happen (uh-uh-uh-oh)

Anything can happen (uh-oh)

Do you believe that He parted the sea

That same miracle is living in you and me

Do you believe that He's all that you need?

My God, I truly believe(I believe)

Just believe that one day

You will see things for how they are

Until then, don't give up

Cause anything can happen

Just believe that one day

You will see things for how they are

Until then, don't give up

Cause anything can happen

Anything can happen (yeah, cause anything can happen)

Anything can happen (uh-uh-uh-oh)



2010年,薛凱琪於年度叱吒樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮中,首次獲得叱吒樂壇女歌手銅獎。其後,她在紐約中文電台熱爆歌曲流行榜也獲得年度熱爆女歌手銀獎,在SINA Music樂壇民意指數頒獎禮2009分別憑《叮叮車》獲得「SINA MUSIC最高收聽率二十大歌曲」及憑《慕容雪》獲得「SINA MUSIC最高收視 MV 大獎」,在2009年度雪碧中國原創音樂流行榜憑《蘇州河》獲得「港台金曲獎」及「最具潛質歌手」。同年,她憑《分手說愛你》奪得「2010年越南電影節最佳女主角」、「明周演藝動力大獎2010香港最突出女演員」、「人氣搜尋女演員獎」、香港演藝人協會17周年晚會暨演藝人2010傑出表現獎頒獎典禮的「電影傑出表現女演員獎」、第11屆華語電影傳媒大獎的觀眾票選最受矚目表現獎

2011年,她首度憑電影《分手說愛你》入圍香港電影金像獎「最佳女主角」。2月14日,她於情人節推出《唇印》。3月至5月,她再度往北京拍攝《真愛謊言》。7月8日,薛凱琪推出EP《August Girl》。8月,她主演的電影《算吧啦,老豆!》在香港上映 。

2012年,她出演的《爛賭夫斗爛賭妻》、《低俗喜劇》、《懸紅》、《青魘》和《DIVA華麗之後》先後上映。2月1日,薛凱琪派出第一首派台作品《9:55pm》。4月5日,薛凱琪派出第二首派台作品《All You Need Is Me》。6月4日,派出第三首作品《倒刺》。6月29日,薛凱琪推出唱片《Filicious》7月8日,薛凱琪在紅磡香港體育館舉行首個大型個人售票演唱會《Filicious Fiona in Concert 2012》 。8月,薛凱琪正式宣布終止與由出道便開始合作的華納唱片公司續約。9月4日,薛凱琪在「太陽文化一周年發布會」中宣布正式加盟黃柏高旗下的太陽娛樂文化(Suncity 818)。11月,薛凱琪在2012年第十二屆全球華語歌曲排行榜獲得香港地區傑出歌手獎 。

2013年1月,香港電台十大中文金曲頒獎典禮終於讓她再度踏上該頒獎台,獲頒發「全年最佳進步獎銀獎」 。2月,薛凱琪憑電影《懸紅》奪得澳洲2013「第三屆金考拉國際華語電影節」的「最佳女演員」獎 。3月,薜凱琪在「第九屆勁歌王金曲金榜年度總選頒獎典禮」獲頒發三個獎項,包括憑《冷笑話》奪得「粵語金曲獎」、「最受歡迎女歌手」及「卓越表現獎」 。
