
Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell檢視原始碼

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
國籍 美國
職業 喜劇演員



柯南(基南·湯普森 Kenan Thompson)的鬼主意多多,總是夢想着發大財和成名,常常不按時完成作 業。他在一家便利店打工,但總是給老闆幫倒忙,比如把便利店​改造成舞廳來賺錢。不過總的來說他還算是個好孩子。

凱爾(凱爾·米歇爾 Kel Mitchell)----"白痴"一個,搞笑素材幾乎都在他身上。是他讓你笑個沒完 第一季 Kenan & Kel S01E01 Tainting Of The Screw

Kenan & Kel S01E02 Doing Things The Hemingway

Kenan & Kel S01E03 Mental Kel Epathy

Kenan & Kel S01E04 Duh Bomb

Kenan & Kel S01E05 Mo Sweater Blues

Kenan & Kel S01E06 Diamonds Are For Roger

Kenan & Kel S01E07 The Cold War

Kenan & Kel S01E08 In The Line Of Kenan.

Kenan & Kel S01E09 Dial 0 For Oops

Kenan & Kel S01E10 Merry Christmas Kenani

Kenan & Kel S01E11 Baggin' Saggin' Kel

Kenan & Kel S01E12 Safe and Sorry

Kenan & Kel S01E13 Twizzles Fizzles 第二季 Kenan & Kel S02E01 Pair-Rental Guidance

Kenan & Kel S02E02 Clowning Around

Kenan & Kel S02E03 The Lottery

Kenan & Kel S02E04 Who Loves Orange Soda

Kenan & Kel S02E05 Haven't got time for the paint

Kenan & Kel S02E06 A Star is Peeved

Kenan & Kel S02E07 Ditch Day Afternoon

Kenan & Kel S02E08 Get the Kel Outta here

Kenan & Kel S02E09 Foul Bull

Kenan & Kel S02E10 The Crush

Kenan & Kel S02E11 Turkey Day

Kenan & Kel S02E12 Bye-bye Kenan Part 1

Kenan & Kel S02E13 Bye-bye Kenan Part 2 第三季

導演 布萊恩·羅賓斯 主演 基南·湯普森,凱爾·米歇爾 劇情簡介:傳說是讓光腚總局因為收視率太高影響到國產神劇因而封殺的美國神劇終於出第一集啦!大家酷愛來感受下這部劇到底有着什麼樣的搞笑功力吧! Kenan & Kel S03E 01 Skunkator vs. Moth Man

Kenan & Kel S03E 02 The Raffle Kenan & Kel S03E 03 The Chicago Witch Trials

Kenan & Kel S03E 04 To Catch A Thief

Kenan & Kel S03E 05 Happy B-Day Marc

Kenan & Kel S03E 06 I.Q. Can Do Better

Kenan & Kel S03E 07 Attack of The Bug Man

Kenan & Kel S03E 08 Surprise, Surprise

Kenan & Kel S03E 09 You Dirty Rat

Kenan & Kel S03E 10 Freezer Burned

Kenan & Kel S03E 11 Present Tense

Kenan & Kel S03E 12 Housesitter

Kenan & Kel S03E 13 I'm Gonna Get You Kenan

Kenan & Kel S03E 14 The Limo

Kenan & Kel S03E 15 The Contest

Kenan & Kel S03E 16 Picture Imperfect

Kenan & Kel S03E 17 He Got Job

Kenan & Kel S03E 18 Clothes Encounters

Kenan & Kel S03E 19 We Are The Chimpions

Kenan & Kel S03E 20 Who Loves Who-ooh?

Kenan & Kel S03E 21 Poem Sweet Poem 第四季 Kenan & Kel S04E01 - Corporate Kenan

Kenan & Kel S04E02 - The Honeymoon's Over

Kenan & Kel S04E03 - Girl Watchers

Kenan & Kel S04E04 - Car Trouble

Kenan & Kel S04E05 - Three Girls, A Guy and A Cineplex

Kenan & Kel S04E06 - Natural Born Kenan

Kenan & Kel S04E07 - The Graduates

Kenan & Kel S04E08 - Aw Here It Goes To Hollywood Part 1

Kenan & Kel S04E09 - Aw Here It Goes To Hollywood Part 2

Kenan & Kel S04E10 - Oh Brother

Kenan & Kel S04E11 - Futurama

Kenan & Kel S04E12 - The April Fools

Kenan & Kel S04E13 - TBD Clip Show

劇場版 15 / Jul / 2000 Two Heads Are Better Than None

編輯本段演員表 ·Kenan Thompson played Kenan Rockmore(柯南)

·Kel Mitchell played Kel Kimbell (凱爾)

·Ken Foree played Roger Rockmore (羅傑)

·Teal Marchande played Sheryl Rockmore(雪梨)

·Vanessa Baden played Kyra Rockmore(琪琪)

·Dan Frischman played Chris Potter(克里斯)
