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拉丁学名:Trigonella coerulea






'''卢豆'''(lú dòu),一年生草本,高30-60厘米。茎直立或近直立,多分枝。花期7-8 月,果期8-9月。原产欧洲(中南部),在我国东北北部([[黑龙江省]][[呼玛县]],[[汤原县]])曾见有栽培。
<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%C2%AC%B6%B9 卢豆], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref>

卢豆 叶为羽状复叶,具3小叶;托叶披针状锥形,下部常有牙齿,基部与叶柄连合;下部小叶较宽,一般为卵形或长圆形,有时为椭圆形;
[[File:卢豆2.jpg|缩略图|左|200px|[https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/a1ec08fa513d26974f3f28bf52fbb2fb4216d867 原图链接] [https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/444659552.html 来自知道]]]


[[File:卢豆3.jpg|缩略图|左|200px|[https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/f7246b600c338744c2cc009e560fd9f9d62aa0c2 原图链接] [https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/444659552.html 来自知道]]]


[[File:卢豆4.jpg|缩略图|左|200px|[https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/377adab44aed2e737d00a0ce8001a18b86d6fa63 原图链接] [https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/444659552.html 来自知道]]]

子房卵形,花柱线形,柱头头状。荚果小,近椭圆形,膨胀,两面凸,长2.5-4.5毫米(不包括喙长),宽2-2.5毫米,顶端具长而尖的喙,表面具脉纹,内含1-2粒种子。<ref>FOC >> Vol.10 (2010) >> Fabaceae >> Trigonella </ref>


Trifolium caeruleum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 764. 1753 [T. "M. caerulea"]; Melilotus caeruleus (Linnaeus) Desrousseaux.

Annual herbs, 30-60(-80) cm. Stems straight, thick, terete, glabrescent, branched. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules subulate-lanceolate; petioles 1-4 cm; leaflets ovate to broadly elliptic, 15-35 × 4-15 mm, sparsely pubescent on midrib abax-ially, glabrous adaxially, lateral veins 8-10 pairs, base cuneate or rounded, margin serrate, apex obtuse or acute. Racemes capitate or ovoid, 10-25-flowered; peduncles axillary, ca. 6 cm, straight, glabrous; bracts bristlelike, ca. 1.5 mm; pedicel ca. 1 mm. Calyx ca. 3 mm, membranous, veins 5. Corolla blue, 5-6 mm; standard longest petal, keel shortest. Ovary ovate, gla-brous; ovules 5-7. Legume ovoid, 2.5-5 × ca. 2.5 mm, apex tapering and beaked, longer than body. Seeds 1 or 2, brown, broadly ovoid, ca. 2 mm, tuberculate. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Jul-Sep.

Cultivated or escaped on wastelands. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi [widely cultivated in Asia and Europe; of cultivated origin].

Trigonella caerulea is apparently nowhere indigenous and was probably derived from T. procumbens (Besser) Reichenbach (Ivimey-Cook in Tutin et al., Fl. Eur. 2: 152. 1968).Trigonella caerulea is apparently nowhere indigenous and was probably derived from T. procumbens (Besser) Reichenbach (Ivimey-Cook in Tutin et al., Fl. Eur. 2: 152. 1968).

卢豆 本种原产欧洲(中南部),在我国东北北部([[黑龙江省]][[呼玛县]],[[汤原县]])曾见有栽培;在其他各省则未见有之。<ref>[https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/444659552.html 这种野生水果叫什么?] 我们老家很多,小时候经常吃,我们家乡话叫卢豆,未成熟的时候很酸很涩,呈青色 </ref>

与[[胡卢巴]]相同,种子药用,全株干后供除虫及熏衣用。并可为饲料。<ref>[http://dict.youdao.com/w/%E5%8D%A2%E8%B1%86/ 卢豆] 卢豆 Lu Dou 以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译。 双语例句 比如我目前也用了10%的卢安达Bukonya庄园豆在我新配方中,它拥有超级的甜度表现,和大量... </ref>

== 参考来源 ==

[[Category:370 植物學總論]]