马士自幼勤奋好学、天资聪颖,虽然他的家庭环境并不优裕,但亦能先后考进美国当时的著名学府[[波士顿拉丁学校]] (Boston Latin School) 与[[哈佛学院]] (Harvard College)。在哈佛学院肄业期间,更以名列前茅的成绩获得既为哈佛学友、亦属中国海关税务司 Edward Bangs Drew(1843-1924)的赏识,遂于1874 年经其引荐而与 William Franklin Spinney、 Henry Ferdinand Merrill及 Charles Cecil Clarke四人一同加入中国海关。
* 贖罪論 A Treatise on Atoneme,
* 辯護書系列 A Series of Letters - in Defence
* 中华帝国对外关系史 The International Relations of the Chinese Empire* 他以退休後出版的學術著作聞名, 東印度公司對華貿易編年史:1635 - 1834 The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China: 1635 - 1834 === 最出名的著作 是 ===''The International Relations of the Chinese Empire''(中譯本《中华帝国对外关系史》)<ref name="Morse1910">{{cite book|author=Hosea Ballou Morse|title=''The International Relations of the Chinese Empire''| url=http://books.google.com/books?id=JU9xAAAAMAAJ| year=1910年|publisher=Longmans, Green, and Company}}</ref><ref name="Morse2006">{{cite book|author=Hosea Ballou Morse|others=张汇文译 |title=中华帝国对外关系史| url=http://books.google.com/books?id=V28fAQAAMAAJ|year=2006年|publisher=上海世纪出版社|isbn=9787806785485}}</ref> 與 '' 東印度公司對華貿易編年史:1635 - 1834''。''The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China: 1635 - 1834''。<ref name="Morse1966">{{cite book|author=Hosea Ballou Morse|title=''The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China: 1635 - 1834''|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=rmWlnQEACAAJ| year=1926年| location=Oxford | publisher=Clarendon Press}}</ref>
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