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创建页面,内容为“ '''库姆要塞'''库姆要塞Kum Settlement。库姆要塞,位于穆格山堡垒以南6公里处的古老山区粟特聚落库姆,至今仍保留着它古…”

'''库姆要塞'''库姆要塞Kum Settlement。库姆要塞,位于穆格山堡垒以南6公里处的古老山区粟特聚落库姆,至今仍保留着它古老的名字。



它位于一座小山上,位于库姆现代定居点的北郊。根据历史学家<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/823290362_122066675 为何历史学家的预测如此精准? ],搜狐,2024-11-03 </ref>雅库博夫的说法,库姆是帕尔加尔的主要军事据点——这是古代泽拉夫善上游这个山区的名字(参考《7-8世纪的帕尔加尔》。雅库博夫著)。

根据对幸存建筑墙体和建筑学家的研究,它始建于公元6世纪。有一座宫殿,一座城堡和生活区,食物仓库。722年,粟特人与德瓦什蒂奇一起离开片治肯特并撤退,在一座坚固的堡垒中避难<ref>[http://www.oh100.com/kaoshi/gaokao/daxuezhuanye/425851.html 什么是建筑学 建筑学就业前景如何],百分网,2017-05-06</ref>。




TJ-03 Kum Settlement

High in the mountains,the settlement of Kum,comprising of extremely well-preserved castle as well as palace,living quarters and fortifications,where the last ruler of Panjakent,Divashtich,took refuge from persecution,reflects the national culture and life of highland Sogdiana in the late 7th-early 8th centuries.In the farce from the fortress,in the valley of Kum,the battle of the Sogdians with the Arabs took place,after which Divashtich,the best-known ruler of Sogdian principality,fell and surrendered in 722.Excavations of the larger part of the Kum settlement,combined with written data obtained in the castle on Mount Mug(six kilometers away),allow to describe more accurately the historical situation and the heroic confrontation of the population of the mountain Sogdiana.Kum represents the town planning and fortifications along the Silk Roads as well as Sogdian palatial structures of petty rulers,who were engaged in the Silk Road trade.It is also an example of outstanding human activity in unfavorable mountain environment and bear witness to Islamization of the area,through archaeological materials.The well-preserved fortifications and architecture of Kum and its historical significance is pivotal for the nomination.



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