Kafirkala archaeological site was a strategic fortified settlement that in the 1st - 9th centuries controlled the south-north passages along the Zarafshan-Karakum corridor of the Silk Roads that connected Samarkand and Penjikent on the shore of important Dargham canal. It was an administrative and economic center and probably a royal residence of the ikhshids (pre-Islamic rulers) of Samarkand (Rewdad) with unique planning and fortifications, many outstanding examples of carved wood decoration, other important finds such as coin hoards and variety of sealings of now lost documents. It represents the early Islamization of the Zarafshan-Karakum corridor of the Silk Roads, as the settlement retained its economic role after the Arab conquest, while the fire that destroyed citadel is surely dated to Qutayba’s campaign of 710 (Begmatov, 2018). It is an example of use of water resources in irrigation and fortification system. It is a prominent production center on the Silk Road, especially with its kilns, the origin of late Sogdian pottery production with mica imitating silver, which has many similarities in metal and pottery vessels traded along the Silk Roads in the 7th and 8th centuries.
卡菲尔卡拉考古遗址是一个战略要塞,从公元1世纪到9世纪控制着[[撒马尔罕]]和潘吉肯特之间沿扎拉夫尚-卡拉库姆走廊的丝绸之路南北通道。它是行政、经济中心,可能是撒马尔罕(鲁瓦达德)伊克希德(前伊斯兰统治者)的皇家住所,具有独特的规划和防御工事,许多精美的木雕装饰,以及其他重要发现,如钱币窖藏和已丢失文件的各种封印。它代表了撒马尔罕-卡拉库姆走廊丝绸之路上早期伊斯兰化的例子,因为该定居点在阿拉伯征服后仍保留其经济作用,而摧毁城堡的火灾肯定发生在710年屈塔巴的战役中(贝格马托夫,2018)。它是水资源在灌溉和防御系统中使用的一个例子。它是丝绸之路上一个重要的生产中心,特别是其窑炉,是晚期粟特[[陶器<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/717995986_121452162 中国陶文化,陶器的发展与代表 ],搜狐,2023-09-05 </ref>]]生产的起源,模仿云母银,这在[[7世纪]]和8世纪沿丝绸之路交易的金属和陶器容器中有许多相似之处。
该区域埋有少量同时期墓葬。王城约有15-20米高,每个王城只有一个入口,保卫措施完善。在阿拉伯人入侵时,高耸的城墙带来了很好的防护效果。虽然按理来说这样的结构不方便逃跑,但王族最终自己放火并逃出了围城。[[考古<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/801034983_255783 最新考古研究成果证实——四川稻城皮洛遗址最早距今超过20万年 ],搜狐,2024-08-15 </ref>]]挖掘时,在城的角落发现了金饰以及其它一些贵重的财物。