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'''Sygnak'''Sygnak (X-XVIII centuries),在十世纪的[[历史]]资料中首次提到了这一定居点。 从十二世纪开始,这座城市就是Kypchak州的首府。1219年蒙古人入侵期间,该地遭到严重破坏。蒙古军队占领城市后这里经历了长期的衰退期,Sygnak仅在十四世纪下半叶成为Ak Orda州的政治中心。在十六至十八世纪,该城市由[[哈萨克]]统治者统治,是下斯里达里亚地区最大的中心城市。该定居点的简短[[历史]]显示了其在中亚大草原前沿的战略地位,在传统的游牧民族区域和定居点之间。 © The National Commission of Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO / SygnakThe settlement was mentioned for the first time in the historical sources of X century. From the XII century, the city was the capital of Kypchak State. In 1219 during the Mongolian invasion the city was heavily damaged. After a long period of regression after the seizure of the city by Mongol army Sygnak becomes the political center of Ak Orda State only in the second half of XIV century. In XVI-XVIII centuries the city was governed by Kazakh rulers and was the biggest urban center of the lower Syrdarya region. Short history of the settlement shows its strategic position on the frontier of the great steppes of Central Asia, between the traditional location area of nomad and sedentary communities.