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费继锋 研究员


09.1991-07.1994 山东省章丘市第七中学

09.1994-07.1998 山东省莱阳农学院,植保专业,获农学学士学位

09.1998-07.2001 华南农业大学,植物病理专业, 植物病毒学方向,导师,肖火根,李华平教授,获农学硕士学位

09.2004-12.2008 德国马克斯-普朗克分子细胞生物学与遗传学研究所,(Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics) 导师Wieland B. Huttner 教授,所长,获博士学位


09.2001-08.2002 新加坡分子农业研究所 (Institute of Molecular Agrobiology) 蔡南海教授实验室, 助理研究官

08.2002-08.2004 新加坡淡马锡生命科学研究院(Temasek Life Science Laboratory) 蔡南海教授实验室, 助理研究官

01.2009-08.2009 德国马克斯-普朗克分子细胞生物学与遗传学研究所 (Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics), Wieland B. Huttner 教授(所长)实验室,博士后研究员

09.2009-10.2016 德国德累斯顿再生治疗中心 (Center for Regenerative Therapies

Dresden),Elly M. Tanaka 教授(所长)实验室,博士后研究员

11.2016-现在 华南师范大学脑科学研究院,PI(副教授,实验室主任),建立并主持神 经系统发育与再生实验室


Nowoshilow S#, Schloissnig S#, Fei JF# (co-first author), Dahl A, Pang AWC, Pippel M, Winkler S, Hastie AR, Young G, Roscito JG, Falcon F, Knapp D, Powell S, Cruz A, Cao H, Habermann B, Hiller M*, Tanaka EM* and Myers EM*. The axolotl genome and the evolution of key tissue formation regulators. Nature. 2018 Feb 1;554(7690):50-55. doi: 10.1038/nature25458. (封面文章)

Fei JF*, Schuez M, Knapp D, Taniguchi Y, Drechsel D and Tanaka EM*. Efficient gene knockin in axolotl and its use to test the role of satellite cells in limb regeneration. PNAS. 2017, 114(47):12501-12506. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1706855114. (封面文章)

Tazaki A, Tanaka EM and Fei JF. Salamander spinal cord regeneration: the ultimate positive control in vertebrate spinal cord regeneration. Developmental Biology. 2017, 432(1):63-71. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2017.09.034.

Mircetic J, Steinebrunner I, Ding L, Fei JF, Bogdanova A, Drechsel D and Buchholz F. Purified Cas9 Fusion Proteins for Advanced Genome Manipulation. Small Methods.

2017, 1(4):1600052. doi: 10.1002/smtd.201600052

Fei JF*, Knapp D, Schuez M, Murawala P, Zou Y, Drechsel D and Tanaka EM*. Tissue- and time-directed electroporation of Cas9 protein-gRNA complexes in vivo yields efficient multigene knockout for studying gene function in regeneration. npj Regenerative Medicine. 2016,1(16002) ; doi:10.1038/npjregenmed.2016.2

Papanikos F#, Daniel K#, Ramlal A#, Fei JF, Kurth T, Wojtasz L, Derely I, Maiwald N, Penninger J, Surani A, Toth A*. The enigmatic meiotic dense body and its newly discovered component, SCML1, are dispensible for fertility and gametogenesis in mice. Chromosoma. 2017, 126(3): 399-415. doi:10.1007/s00412-016-0598-1

Wong FK#, Fei JF#(co-first author), Mora-Bermúdez F, Taverna E, Haffner C, Fu J, Anastassiadis K, Stewart AF and Huttner WB. Sustained Pax6 expression generates primate-like basal radial glia in developing mouse neocortex. PLOS Biology. 2015 Aug 7;13 (8):e10022172015.

Fei JF, Schuez M, Tazaki A, Taniguchi Y, Roensch K, Tanaka EM. CRISPR-Mediated Genomic Deletion of Sox2 in the Axolotl Shows a Requirement in Spinal Cord Neural Stem Cell Amplification during Tail Regeneration. Stem Cell Reports. 2014.Sep 9;3(3):444-59. (封面文章)

Fei JF, Haffner C, Huttner WB. 3' UTR-dependent, miR-92-mediated restriction of Tis21 expression maintains asymmetric neural stem cell division to ensure proper neocortex size. Cell Reports. 2014,7(2):398-411.

Fei JF, Huttner WB. Nonselective sister chromatid segregation in mouse embryonic neocortical precursor cells. Cerebral Cortex. 2009.Jul;19 Suppl 1:i49-54.

Pulvers JN, Schenk J, Arai Y, Fei JF, Saito K, Huttner WB. On the origin of neurons. Genome Biology. 2007.8(7): 311.

De Pietri Tonelli D, Calegari F, Fei JF, Nomura T, Osumi N, Heisenberg CP, Huttner WB. Single-cell detection of microRNAs in developing vertebrate embryos after acute administration of a dual-fluorescence reporter/sensor plasmid. Biotechniques. 2006. 41(6): 727-32.

Guo HS, Xie Q, Fei JF, Chua NH. MicroRNA directs mRNA cleavage of the transcription factor NAC1 to downregulate auxin signals for arabidopsis lateral root development. Plant Cell. 2005.17(5):1376-86.

Guo HS, Fei JF, Xie Q and Chua NH. A chemical-regulated inducible RNAi system in plants. Plant Journal. 2003. 34, 383-392.


Fei JF*, Lou WPK, Knapp D, Khattak S and Tanaka EM. Application and optimization of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering in axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). Nature Protocols. Revision


09. 2008 45th Annual Meeting of the Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences and

the 10th Advanced Training Course of the IGTp

Title: "A Mouse Model With Inducible Cre Activity Restricted To

Neuron-Generating Progenitors" 大会报告

04. 2015 Zentrale Tierexperimentelle Einrichtung, medical school, University of Muenster

Title: "Developing Molecular Genetics in the Axolotl - a classical model for regeneration research" 特邀报告

09. 2015 Sino-German joint symposium in Beijing - Development and Maintenance of Brain Function:From Basic Mechanisms to Disease

Title: "Bonafide neural stem cell regeneration in axolotl- the promise of repairing injured mammalian CNS" 大会报告

10. 2017 中国细胞生物学学会第二届模式动物器官再生研讨会,北京

Title: "Development of modern genome engineering approaches and their applications in axolotl" 大会报告



05.2000 华南农业大学资源环境学院讲授本科班“植物病毒学”10学时

11.2014 组织讲授马普所-德累斯顿工业大学博士班为期两周的理论实践课,

主题“研究Hippo信号通路在蝾螈脊髓再生过程中对神经干细胞增殖/分化 的调控作用”


2010年 指导硕士研究生Keith Gunapala,现为巴塞尔大学博士生

论文题目 "Investigating the trigger signal of axolotl spinal cord regeneration"

2012年 指导硕士研究生Björn Neumann,现为剑桥大学博士生

论文题目 "Development of knockdown approaches for gene function

analysis in Axolotls"

2013年 指导硕士研究生Dorothee Mugele,现为伦敦国王学院博士生

论文题目 "Evaluation of the RNAi-mediated gene knockdown in axolotls"

2015年 指导DAAD 奖学金学生Stephanie Marcus, 2016级洛克菲勒大学博士生

论文题目: CRISPR-mediated gene knockout as a method for studying regeneration of the spinal cord

2014-now 参与指导博士研究生Sergej Nowoshilow, 现为Elly Tanaka 实验室博士生


2018-2019 国家自然科学基金面上项目 "利用再生模式生物蝾螈(Ambystoma

mexicanum)研究启动脊髓再生的机制" (批准号:31771611)

项目负责人, 25万元, 执行期限 2018年1月至2019年12月

2017-2019 华南师范大学高水平大学建设专项资金高层次引进人才科研启动经费

项目负责人, 300万元

2015-2016 CRTD postdoc seed grant "Inducible Cas9/CRISPR for Conditional Gene Knockouts in Vertebrate Regenerative Model Systems "

项目负责人, 1万欧元

2014-2017 DFG grant (DFG274/3-3) "Establishment and application of targeted gene knockout and knock-in approach in axolotl for

regeneration research"

项目参与人, 30万欧元