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[[File:E63c4ace29bfb27a.jpg|缩略图|居中|[https://pic.sogou.com/d?query=%E6%81%92%E6%98%A5%E7%BA%A2%E8%B1%86%E6%A0%91&mode=1&did=11 原图链接][https://pic.sogou.com/pics?query=%E6%81%92%E6%98%A5%E7%BA%A2%E8%B1%86%E6%A0%91&w=05009900 来自 搜狗的图片]]]
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<br>【恒春红豆树】,拉丁文名为【Ormosia hengchuniana】,名称状态为【被SP2000收录,状态为:Ormosia hengchuniana为接受名】,国内分布区域为【台湾全球观测记录分布(数据来自GBIF)】。
'''科''': [[豆科]]
'''属''': [[红豆属]]
名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Ormosia hengchuniana为接受名中文名:恒春红豆树形态描述:36. Ormosia hengchuniana T. C. Huang, S. F. Huang & K. C. Yang, Taiwania. 35 2. 1990. 恒春红豆树 heng chun hong dou shu Trees evergreen, to 8 m. Branchlets golden yellow pubes-cent. Leaves imparipinnate, 7-9(-10) cm; petiole 3.8-4.5 cm; rachis 3-6.5 cm, prolonged 0.2-0.4 cm below terminal leaflet; leaflets (5-)7(-9); petiolule 5-7 mm; blades oblong-lanceolate or oblong, 1.5-12 × 0.8-5 cm, thinly leathery, golden yellow pubescent abaxially, becoming glabrate, green and smooth adax-ially, base cuneate to rounded, rarely slightly cordate, margin entire, often slightly sinuous, apex acute to obtuse, slightly retuse; midvein raised abaxially, impressed adaxially, lateral veins 7-12 pairs, angled 40° with midvein. Racemes terminal, rarely axillary, 8-10 cm, golden yellow pilose; pedicel 5-7 mm, golden yellow pilose. Flowers ca. 1 × 1.2 cm. Calyx campanu-late, sparsely rusty brown pilose; teeth broadly triangular, ca. 1 mm; tube ca. 2 mm. Corolla reddish purple; standard oblong-orbicular, obcordate, 0.9-1 cm, apex deeply emarginate, claw 1-2 mm; wings narrowly obovate, inequilateral, midvein along one margin, ca. 1.2 × 0.7 cm, claw ca. 6 mm; keel narrowly obovate, inequilateral, midvein along one margin, ca. 1.2 × 0.6 cm, claw ca. 5 mm. Stamens unequal; filaments 0.7-1.2 cm; anthers oblong. Ovary glabrous; ovules 1-4; style thickened, incurved at tip; stigma oblique. Legumes oblong, 2-2.5 cm, slightly compressed, acute at both ends, apex beaked, stipe 3-5 mm; valves woody, glabrous, internally septate. Seeds 1-3, pale red, globose-angular, ca. 1 cm, slightly glossy; hilum 3-4 mm. Fl. May, fr. Oct.● Forest margins, stream banks; 200-500 m. S Taiwan (Hengchun Peninsula). From Flora of China FOC Vol. 10 Page 75, 84国内分布:台湾全球观测记录分布(数据来自GBIF)。
| style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big>恒春红豆树</big> '''
[[File:E63c4ace29bfb27a.jpg|缩略图|居中|[https://pic.sogou.com/d?query=%E6%81%92%E6%98%A5%E7%BA%A2%E8%B1%86%E6%A0%91&mode=1&did=11 原图链接][https://pic.sogou.com/pics?query=%E6%81%92%E6%98%A5%E7%BA%A2%E8%B1%86%E6%A0%91&w=05009900 来自 搜狗的图片]]]
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<br>【恒春红豆树】,拉丁文名为【Ormosia hengchuniana】,名称状态为【被SP2000收录,状态为:Ormosia hengchuniana为接受名】,国内分布区域为【台湾全球观测记录分布(数据来自GBIF)】。
'''科''': [[豆科]]
'''属''': [[红豆属]]
名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Ormosia hengchuniana为接受名中文名:恒春红豆树形态描述:36. Ormosia hengchuniana T. C. Huang, S. F. Huang & K. C. Yang, Taiwania. 35 2. 1990. 恒春红豆树 heng chun hong dou shu Trees evergreen, to 8 m. Branchlets golden yellow pubes-cent. Leaves imparipinnate, 7-9(-10) cm; petiole 3.8-4.5 cm; rachis 3-6.5 cm, prolonged 0.2-0.4 cm below terminal leaflet; leaflets (5-)7(-9); petiolule 5-7 mm; blades oblong-lanceolate or oblong, 1.5-12 × 0.8-5 cm, thinly leathery, golden yellow pubescent abaxially, becoming glabrate, green and smooth adax-ially, base cuneate to rounded, rarely slightly cordate, margin entire, often slightly sinuous, apex acute to obtuse, slightly retuse; midvein raised abaxially, impressed adaxially, lateral veins 7-12 pairs, angled 40° with midvein. Racemes terminal, rarely axillary, 8-10 cm, golden yellow pilose; pedicel 5-7 mm, golden yellow pilose. Flowers ca. 1 × 1.2 cm. Calyx campanu-late, sparsely rusty brown pilose; teeth broadly triangular, ca. 1 mm; tube ca. 2 mm. Corolla reddish purple; standard oblong-orbicular, obcordate, 0.9-1 cm, apex deeply emarginate, claw 1-2 mm; wings narrowly obovate, inequilateral, midvein along one margin, ca. 1.2 × 0.7 cm, claw ca. 6 mm; keel narrowly obovate, inequilateral, midvein along one margin, ca. 1.2 × 0.6 cm, claw ca. 5 mm. Stamens unequal; filaments 0.7-1.2 cm; anthers oblong. Ovary glabrous; ovules 1-4; style thickened, incurved at tip; stigma oblique. Legumes oblong, 2-2.5 cm, slightly compressed, acute at both ends, apex beaked, stipe 3-5 mm; valves woody, glabrous, internally septate. Seeds 1-3, pale red, globose-angular, ca. 1 cm, slightly glossy; hilum 3-4 mm. Fl. May, fr. Oct.● Forest margins, stream banks; 200-500 m. S Taiwan (Hengchun Peninsula). From Flora of China FOC Vol. 10 Page 75, 84国内分布:台湾全球观测记录分布(数据来自GBIF)。