<br> [[洋竹草]], 拉丁文名为【Callisia repens】 洋竹草的作用有两种。第一种:将洋竹草种植在屋顶上,没过多久就能铺满整个楼顶,有着很好的隔热效果。第二种:随着时间的推移 , 名称状态为【被SP2000收录 洋竹草慢慢变老 , 状态为:Callisia repens为接受名】 茎叶低垂下来 , 国内 变得十 分 布区域为【香港全球观测记录分布(数据来自GBIF)】 =='''基本信息'''==具有美感。<br> 拉丁 中 文名:洋竹草
Callisia repens
被SP2000收录,状态为:Callisia repens为接受名
==本段正文==<br> 名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Callisia repens为接受名中文名:洋竹草 形态描述 :1==1. Callisia repens Linnaeus, Sp. Pl., ed. 2. 1 62. 1762. 洋竹草 yang zhu cao Herbs perennial. Stems prostrate, forming mats, much branched, rooting at nodes. Leaves distichous, gradually becoming smaller distally along flowering shoots; leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, 1--4 × 0.6--1.2 cm, glabrous except for scabrid margin and apex, base clasping, subcordate or obtuse, apex acuminate. Inflorescence of paired (sometimes solitary), sessile, dense cincinni in axils of distal leaves. Flowers bisexual or male. Sepals green, linear-oblong, 3--4 mm, hirsute along midvein, margin scarious. Petals white, lanceolate, 3--6 mm. Stamens 3; filaments long exserted; connectives broadly deltoid. Ovary oblong, subtrigonous, 2-loculed, apex pilose; ovules 2 per locule. Style filiform, long; stigma penicillate. Capsule oblong, ca. 1.5 mm, 2-valved. Seeds 2 per valve, brown, ca. 1 mm, rugose. 2 n = 12.Naturalized on roofs of houses. Hong Kong [native to America, from S United States to Argentina]. From Flora of China FOC Vol. 24 Page 39 圆锥花序长5-15公分,主轴轴承没毛或疏生毛;发枝共生而疏远,长2-6公分;小穗栾生(有时候在其中1个小穗衰退)稀上端者单身,约长3mm;颖草质,近等长,约长为小穗的1/2-2/3,边沿常被微绒毛,第一颖顶端芒长0.7-2公分;第二颖顶部的芒长1-2mm。第一[[花朵]]中性化,外稃轮生,与小穗等长,顶端具芒尖,具7-9脉,内稃膜质,窄小缺乏;第二外稃轮生,光滑,明亮,约长2.5mm,边沿内卷,包着同质性的内稃;鱼鳞2,塑料薄膜质,伸缩;[[花柱]]尖部分离出来。== 国内分布 : == 香港全球观测记录分布 (数据来自GBIF)==功效与作用==竹子叶草秆较苗条,尖部平躺路面,节碰地长根,升高一部分高20-80公分。叶柄短于或上端者善于节位,近没毛或疏生毛;叶子披针形至卵状披针形,尖部是多少包皮过长而不一样,长3-8公分,宽5-20mm,近没毛或边沿疏生微绒毛,具横脉。清肺止咳;散血活血;du祛毒利zhi咽。茯苓功效甘、淡、平,无毒性。主冶dao风热咳嗽;咯血;呕血;衄血;便血;咽喉肿痛;眼赤翳障;痈肿疮疖。使用量:1~5钱。民俗作药草用,有清热祛湿作用。==''' 参考文献'''==
<ref>[https://wenda.huabaike.com/hywd/29687.htmll 洋竹草能吃吗],花百科, 2019-09-06 </ref>
[[Category:370 植物學總論]]