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牛津大學為公立研究型大學,因政府資助為其經費來源之一;但它同時也能稱為私立大學,因其由獨立的私立書院組成,並可以拒絕任何政府資助。<ref name='OXCHEPS39'>{{en}}{{cite web | url = http://oxcheps.new.ox.ac.uk/MainSite%20pages/Resources/OxCHEPS_OP39.pdf | title = OFFA and £6000-9000 tuition fees | accessdate =2011-03-20 | last = Dennis | first = Farrington |first2 = David|last2= Palfreyman | date = 2011-02-21 | format = PDF | work = OxCHEPS Occasional Paper No. 39 | publisher = Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies | quote = Note, however, that any university which does not want funding from HEFCE can, as a private corporation, charge whatever tuition fees it likes (exactly as does, say, the University of Buckingham or BPP University College). Under existing legislation and outside of the influence of the HEFCE-funding mechanism upon universities, Government can no more control university tuition fees than it can dictate the price of socks in Marks & Spencer. Universities are not part of the State and they are not part of the public sector; Government has no reserve powers of intervention even in a failing institution. }}</ref>
===''' 書院及學堂'''=== {{Main|牛津大學書院}}
作為牛津大學的學生或教職員,每人必定是其中一所書院或學堂的成員。這裡包括38所書院({{lang|en|Colleges}};又譯“學院”)和6所[[永久私人學堂]]({{lang|en|Permanent Private Halls}}),他們負責管轄自己的學生,並有各自的組織架構及學生活動安排。<ref name=CollegesandHalls/> 不是所有的書院都取錄任何主修課程的學生,不過一般所涉領域都很廣。
書院及學堂的成員常被稱為“{{lang|en|dons}}”,但大學本身沒有採用此對有關成員的稱呼。除了飯堂宿舍等設施之外,書院及學堂同時為他們的成員安排社交、文化及娛樂活動。書院有選擇錄取各自的本科生及分配學費的權力。對於研究生而言,此項目由學術部門負責。因各自的傳統不同,書院的首領有不同的稱呼,包括:“{{lang|en|warden}}”、“{{lang|en|provost}}”、“{{lang|en|principal}}”、“{{lang|en|president}}”、 “{{lang|en|rector}}”、“{{lang|en|master}}”及“{{lang|en|dean}}”。除書院首領之外,書院(及牛津大學自身)亦往往對某些物事有自己的稱呼方式。
[[File:牛津大学6.jpg|缩略图|左|[http://p0.ifengimg.com/pmop/2017/0901/02341D2D127D35F0763630CF0E447149C2250446_size182_w1280_h744.jpeg 原图链接] ]]