{| class="wikitable" align="right"
| [[File:密叶红豆杉1.jpg|缩略图|居中|250px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/BD672F28814069B4.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Taxus%20fuana?t=p 来自植物智]]]
科: [[ 红豆杉科 ]]
属: [[ 红豆杉属]]
'''密叶红豆杉'''(mì yè hóng dòu shān,学名 '''Taxus fuana''' Nan Li & R. R. Mill),又称'''喜马拉雅密叶红豆杉'''(学名:Taxus fuana),乔木或大灌木在12米高; 树干直径达3.5米;卵球形的冬芽,鳞片小枝的宿存的在基部,正面使成脊状,突然锐尖的在先端。 在活着国家的生叶的小枝,是中国特有的一种[[红豆杉属]]植物。<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%C3%DC%D2%B6%BA%EC%B6%B9%C9%BC 密叶红豆杉], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref> == 生态特征==乔木或大灌木在12米高; 树干直径达3.5米;卵球形的冬芽,鳞片小枝的宿存的在基部,正面使成脊状,突然锐尖的在先端。 在活着国家的生叶的小枝。 Trees or large shrubs to 12 m tall; trunk to 3.5 m d.b.h.; winter buds ovoid, scales persistent at base of branchlets, ridged adaxially, abruptly acute at apex.[[File:密叶红豆杉2.jpg|缩略图|左|200px|[https://www.cvh.ac.cn/cvhpic/spm-l/KUN/1204756.jpg 原图链接] [https://www.cvh.ac.cn/spms/detail.php?id=eaa518b7 来自植物标本馆]]] Leafy branchlets "V"-shaped in cross section in living state, 3-6 × 3.5-6 cm in outline. Leaves borne at 60-90° to branchlet axis; petiole 1-1.5 mm; [[File:密叶红豆杉3.jpg|缩略图|左|200px|[https://www.cvh.ac.cn/cvhpic/spm-l/KUN/1204760.jpg 原图链接] [https://www.cvh.ac.cn/spms/detail.php?id=eaa51a93 来自植物标本馆]]] blade bright green adaxially, linear, almost equally wide throughout length, usually straight, 1.2-3(-3.5) cm × 1.5-2.5 mm, ± thick, midvein and stomatal bands both densely and evenly papillate abaxially, midvein ca. 0.2 mm wide abaxially, stomatal bands pale yellow, 0.6-0.7 mm wide, marginal bands 0.1-0.2 mm wide, base cuneate or shortly attenuate, usually symmetric, margin revolute (especially when dry), apex cuspidate, cusp 0.5-1 mm. Pollen cones ovoid, 6-8 mm; cone axis extended above apical bracts as a short stalk ca. 1 mm; bracts 2-ranked, proximal ones imbricate, small, distal ones pale green and semitransparent, much larger; microsporophylls pinkish brown. Seed-bearing structures axillary, sessile. Aril red when ripe. Seed columnar-oblong, ± equally wide throughout length, slightly bilaterally flattened, ca. 6.5-7 × 4.5-5 mm, obtusely ridged on 2 sides distally, apex sharply mucronate; hilum elliptic. Pollination Apr, seed maturity Sep-Nov.<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Taxus%20fuana?t=p 密叶红豆杉 Taxus fuana] 红豆杉纲 Taxopsida 红豆杉目 Taxales 红豆杉科 Taxaceae 红豆杉属 Taxus 密叶红豆杉 Taxus fuanaiPlant.cn 植物智——中国植物物种信息系统 © 2019 版权所有 ... </ref> == 生 存环 境产地== 生长于海拔2500~3400米的 [[ 喜马拉雅山 ]] 山区。<ref>[http://xz.people.com.cn/n2/2019/0527/c138901-32981852.html 西藏成功驯化喜马拉雅密叶红豆杉 可持续释放氧气--西藏频...] 2019年5月27日 一直以来,喜马拉雅密叶红豆杉以其极其珍贵奇特的药用价值,引起国内外专家的关注。吉隆县林业局于2012年前后开始做喜马拉雅密叶红豆杉人工驯化工作,目... </ref> 混交林和松林,通常在阴面里; 2500-3100(-3400)(流传到1800米穿其他深裂的种的分布区)的米。 西南部的[[西藏]](Jilong县), [[印度]]北部,[[克什米尔]],[[尼泊尔]],[[巴基斯坦]]也有分布。 Mixed forests and Pinus forests, usually in shade; 2500-3100 (-3400) m (descending to 1800 m in other parts of range of species). SW Xizang (Jilong Xian) [N India, Kashmir, Nepal, Pakistan] ==辨析==在中国为濒危物种。在《中国植物志》里,Taxus的两种是来自中国西南部的承认: 限制到西南部的西藏的植株被鉴定为T. wallichiana, 不过,Nan李& L. K. fu(Novon 7: 263-264. 1997) 注意到模式标本的批判性的研究和真实的材料显示T. yunnanensis是一T. wallichiana的异名。 An endangered species in China. In FRPS, two species of Taxus were recognized from SW China: the plants restricted to SW Xizang were identified as T. wallichiana, while those from SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, and W Yunnan were recognized as T. yunnanensis. However, Nan Li & L. K. Fu (Novon 7: 263-264. 1997) noted that critical study of types and authentic material revealed T. yunnanensis to be a synonym of T. wallichiana, and the plants identified in FRPS as T. wallichiana to be a new species, T. fuana.
《生物学通报》 2017年10期
张浩 刘全儒
【摘要】:正密叶红豆杉(Taxus contorta Griffith),又称喜马拉雅密叶红豆杉或红豆杉,是一种生长于海拔2 500~3 400 m喜马拉雅山山区红豆杉属的裸子植物。植物体为乔木或大灌木,一年生枝绿色,干后呈淡褐黄色、金黄色或淡褐色,二、三年生枝淡褐色或红褐色。叶条形,排列成彼此重叠的不规则2列,通常狭直,密集,宽约2 mm,上下等宽,先端急尖,基部两侧对称,背面中脉带与气孔带同色,均密生均匀细小乳头状突起。种子长圆形,长约6.5 mm,上部两侧微有钝脊,顶端有突尖,基部有椭圆形的。<ref>[https://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-SWXT201710007.htm 密叶红豆杉--《生物学通报》2017年10期] 【摘要】:正密叶红豆杉(Taxus contorta Griffith),又称喜马拉雅密叶红豆杉或红豆杉,是一种生长于海拔2 500~3 400 m喜马拉雅山山区红豆杉属的裸子植物。植物体为... </ref>
【作者单位】: 河北省雄安新区安新县教育局;北京师范大学生命科学学院;
==Related Taxa==
T. wallichiana var. chinensis [[红豆杉]]
T. wallichiana var. mairei [[南方红豆杉]]
T. wallichiana var. wallichiana [[须弥红豆杉]](原变种)
T. cuspidata [[东北红豆杉]]
T. wallichiana [[喜马拉雅红豆杉]]
== 参考来源 ==