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{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin: -10px 0px 10px 20px; text-align:left"|<center>'''干粉灭火系统'''<br><img src="https://gimg2.baidu.com/image_search/src=http%3A%2F%2Fss2.meipian.me%2Fusers%2F10072355%2F353e0977bd7d4a1da8dff2d256f103be.jpg%3Fmeipian-raw%2Fbucket%2Fivwen%2Fkey%2FdXNlcnMvMTAwNzIzNTUvMzUzZTA5NzdiZDdkNGExZGE4ZGZmMmQyNTZmMTAzYmUuanBn%2Fsign%2Fbb3bc4549b7e0f278ee346f489c6d555.jpg&refer=http%3A%2F%2Fss2.meipian.me&app=2002&size=f9999,10000&q=a80&n=0&g=0n&fmt=auto?sec=1658978577&t=b13a539ef5e8d442c1f77228922611d9" width="280"></center><small>[https://www.meipian.cn/fcsqm2g 圖片來自美篇]</small> |}'''干粉灭火系统''' powder extinguishing system,由干粉供应源通过输送管道连接到固定的喷嘴上,通过喷嘴喷放干粉的灭火系统。
ZFP型系列自动干粉灭火系统是石油化工、油船、油库、加油站、港口码头、机场、机库等工程的灭火系统的重要装备。干粉灭火系统是以氮气为动力,向干粉罐内提供压力,推动干粉罐内的 [[ 干粉灭火剂 ]] ,通过管路输送到干粉炮,干粉枪或固定喷嘴喷出,以达到扑救易燃、可燃液体,可燃气体和电气设备火灾的目的。
ZFP series Automatic Dry Chemical Powder Extinguish System (Short as: DCP) are important equipments for the fire-fighting in petrochemical industry, oil tanker, oil storage, gas station, dock and harbor, airport and hangar etc. ZFP series DCP is driven by high-pressure N2, then establishes pressure in the powder tank, press the chemical powder and force it through the pipelines to the powder monitor, powder gun or fixed powder nozzle, and by these equipments, spray the powder out on the flammable liquid, flammable gas or electric equipment fire to extinguish the fire.<ref>[https://www.jidianwang.com/entry/12320858.html 干粉灭火系统(建筑 名词)]技点百科</ref>
ZFP型自动干粉灭火系统由启动装置(如:启动气瓶+拉杆机构)、氮气瓶组、减压阀、干粉罐、干粉枪、干粉炮、干粉喷头、电控柜、阀门和管系等零部件组成。一般为火灾自动探测系统与干粉灭火系统联动。<ref>[https://www.chem17.com/product/detail/29407781.html ZFP-150 自动干粉灭火装置]化工仪器网</ref>
ZFP series DCP consists of starting device (Eg.:start cylinder + pull-rod mechanism), N2 cylinders, pressure reducing valve, powder tank, powder gun, automatic powder monitor, fixed powder nozzel, controller, valves, pipe lines and other accessories. In common use, ZFP series DCP is applied in using link with the fire-detecting system.
Powder gun is installed together with hose reel, the powder transport hose can have a max length: 30-40 m.
如果设备仅要求手动操作,则采用手动干粉炮、 [[ 手动阀门 ]] 和手动控制启动气瓶组件。
If only manual operation is needed, adopt a combination of manual dry chemical powder, manual valve and manual start cylinder.