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==参考文献==[[Category:850 各地方文學;各民族文學;各體文學]]==著作发表==
* Wu, Chung-Hua and Wolfenstein, L.. Application of Radial-Equilibrium Condition to Axial-Flow Compressor and Turbine Design. NACA TR 955,1950, pp: l-40.(《径向平衡条件对轴流式压气机和透平设计的应用》) Wu,Chung-Hua, Sinnette, John T.Jr., and Forrette,Robert E.. Theoretical Effect of Inlet Hub-Tip-Radius Ratio and Design Specific Mass Flow on Design Performance of Axial-Flow Compressors. NACA TN 2068, 1950. Wu,Chung-Hua. Formulas and Tables of Coefficients for Numerical Differentiation with Function Values Given at Unequally Spaced Points and Application to Solution of Partial Differential Equations. NACA TN 2214,1950. Wu, Chung-Hua. A General Theory Of Three-Dimensional Flow in Subsonic and Supersonic Turbomachines of Axial-, Radial-, and Mixed-Flow Types. ASME Paper Number 50-A-79. (《轴流、径流和混流式亚声速与超声速叶轮机械中三元流动的通用理论》,正式出版于1952年)