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'''阿爾伯里克·馬尼亞爾'''Lucien Denis Gabriel Albéric Magnard(法語: ​[lysjɑ̃ dəni ɡabʁijɛl albeʁik maɲaːʁ];1865年7月9日-1914年9月3日),法國作曲家,其作品結構宏大複雜,多使用對位,音樂語言嚴肅崇高,被譽為「法國的布魯克納」。馬尼亞爾是鋼琴三重奏的代表人物<ref>[https://www.itsfun.com.tw/%E9%8B%BC%E7%90%B4%E4%B8%89%E9%87%8D%E5%A5%8F/wiki-2736318-7722687  鋼琴三重奏的代表人物。]</ref>他的許多作品,特別是四部交響曲現在得到越來越多的上演機會。
1914年,當他拒絕將自己的財產交給德國入侵者 而死於捍衛它時,[[馬尼亞爾]]成為了民族英雄。
== 生平 ==
== 參考文獻 ==
<ref>M.-D. Calvocoressi, "Albéric Magnard" The Musical Times October 1, 1921, p. 683. "To all appearances, Albéric Magnard was born with the traditional silver spoon in his mouth. The only son of the wealthy influential editor of a leading Paris daily paper, it seemed as though none of the difficulties with which earnest-minded composers generally have to contend were to exist for him. Indeed, his first works were welcomed with an eagerness whose real motives he was not long in suspecting."</ref>  <ref>Malcolm MacDonald, "Magnard, (Lucien Denis Gabriel) Albéric", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).</ref>  <ref>Andrew Thomson, CD review, The Musical Times September 1992, p. 458</ref>