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创建页面,内容为“ '''塔里哈姆图达堡垒'''塔里-哈姆图达堡垒Tali Khamtuda。 现存的塔里-哈姆图达堡垒遗址,位于片治肯特东南32公里处,属于…”

'''塔里哈姆图达堡垒'''塔里-哈姆图达堡垒Tali Khamtuda。 现存的塔里-哈姆图达堡垒遗址,位于片治肯特东南32公里处,属于公元1-4世纪的古迹,即粟特城市快速发展之前的时期。




TJ-05 Tali Khamtuda fortress

The well-preserved cross-shaped fortress of the first centuries CE,the period immediately predating the blossom of Sogdian civilization on the Silk Road.The uniqueness and value of Tali Khamtuda lies in the fact that it was possible to explore completely the monument,which reflects the interaction of the highly developed culture of the Sogd plain and the more archaic culture of its mountainous regions,and clearly demonstrates the influence of the former on the latter.It reflects the coexistence in one place of a continuous culture with different religions.It is a complex of ancient fortresses and settlements,with an adjacent Muslim cemetery.

Tali Khamtuda was chosen for the nomination as an outstanding example of late antique–early medieval stronghold.




尽管岁月无情流逝,但塔里哈姆图达堡垒依然保持着她独特的魅力,并继续向世人展示那段辉煌而又沧桑的历史篇章。这不仅仅是一个地方的名字或一个简单的地标符号而已 —— 它是连接现在与过去的桥梁,是一本打开就能读到精彩章节的大书。让我们一同踏上这段探索之旅,在这里寻找属于自己的答案……

This historic castle, rich with legends, is not just a witness to time but also a dream destination for countless adventurers.

Imagine the first rays of dawn illuminating its weathered stones, telling tales of millennia; while at sunset, it adds an air of solemnity and sanctity. It's more than a defensive structure; it's like a silent elder, narrating past stories through its very existence.

Entering this ancient world, you'll be captivated by the intricately carved artworks, each stone seemingly imbued with the craftsman's wisdom and effort. The towering walls surrounding it evoke a sense of invincible beauty. As you stroll here, slow down to feel the timeless aura that permeates the air!

Despite the passage of time, the Tarih Hamid Castle retains its unique charm and continues to showcase its glorious yet storied history to the world. This is more than just a name or a simple landmark—it's a bridge connecting the present to the past, a book open to reveal its fascinating chapters. Let's embark on this exploration journey together, seeking our own answers here...

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