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创建页面,内容为“ '''Borizhary'''博里扎里Borizhary的墓地是哈萨克斯坦南部地区最大的墓地,位于Arys河左岸,距离13公里。墓地的长度有时会达…”


Borizhary(second half of VII–VIII centuries)

The necropolis of Borizhary is the biggest necropolis of southern Kazakhstan region situated on the left bank of Arys River of 13 km in distance.The length of the territory of necropolis sometimes goes up to 1-2 km.The bank the river is covered by hundreds of kurgans that form a single are of necropolis.Total are of the site is about 2100 hectares.Scientifi c explorations of this territory have shown that is diffi cult to establish any connection between sites situated far from each other.It is possible that the territory of the necropolis is even bigger because some single kurgans are situated beyond the main territory.Geophysical research works have shown that 2 386 kurgans are situated on the territory of the necropolis in total.



地球物理学 (geophysics),是地球科学的主要学科之一,是通过定量的物理方法(如:地震弹性波、重力、地磁、地电、地热和放射能等方法)研究地球以及寻找地球内部矿藏资源的一门综合性学科,研究范围包括地球的地壳、地幔、地核和大气层。

地球物理学有诸多研究分支,包括:固体地球物理学,地球动力学,地震学,大地测量学,地热学,地磁学 ,水文地理学,海洋学,气象学,地核构造学,勘探地球物理学,比较行星学,大地构造物理学和大地天文学;研究内容包括地球内部结构,震源理论,地震波传播理论,大陆地壳大尺度的特征,诸如板块俯冲带和大洋中脊。

传统地球物理学主要指固体地球物理学,现代地球物理学的研究延伸到地球大气层外部的现象,例如电离层电机效应(ionospheric dynamo)、极光放电(auroral electrojets)和磁层顶电流系统(magnetopause current system),甚至延伸到其他行星及其卫星的物理性质。

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