李增強 | |
碩導 | |
出生 | 1980年10月 |
國籍 | 中國 |
職業 | 副教授 |
知名於 | 參編《天然金剛石刀具製造技術》 |
已經在國內外知名期刊上發表文章22篇, 其中SCI檢索7篇,EI檢索13篇,已申請國家發明專利20項,授權5項。參與編著《天然金剛石刀具製造技術》一書,編寫文字5.5萬字。並擔任期刊《機床與液壓》、《Measurement》和《J Eng Manuf》的審稿人。[3]
2012年5月, 哈爾濱工業大學,碩士生導師。
孫濤, 宗文俊, 李增強. 天然金剛石刀具製造技術, 哈爾濱工業大學出版社, 2012.12.
Z. Q. Li, T. Sun, P. Li, et al. Measuring the nose roundness of diamond cutting tools based on AFM. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. 2009, 27(3), 1394~1398. (SCI: 10.1116/1.3110011 000266500300076).
Z. Q. Li, J. Wang and T. Sun. Atomistic Simulations of Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Ablation of Polycrystalline Diamond. Current Nanoscience. 2013, 9(6), 804~811. (SCI: 252MG 000327008600019 )
Z.Q. Li, Y.H Huang, J.J. Zhang, Y.D. Yan and T. Sun. Atomistic insight into the minimum wea depth of Cu(111) surface. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2013, 8:514. (SCI: 10.1186/1556-276X-8-514 000329098100001)
W.J. Zong, Z.Q. Li, T. Sun, et al. Analysis for the wear resistance anisotropy of diamond cutting tools in theory and experiment. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2010, 210(6-7): 858~867. (SCI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2010.01.018 000276916600005)
W.J. Zong, Z.Q. Li, T. Sun, et al. The basic issues in design and fabrication of diamond-cutting tools for ultra-precision and nanometric machining. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. 2011, 50(4): 411~419. (SCI: 10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2009.10.015 000276698900012)
W. J. Zong, Z. Q. Li, L. Zhang, et al. Finite element simulation of diamond tool geometries affecting the 3D surface topography in fly cutting of KDP crystals. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2013, 68(9-12): 1927~1936. (SCI: 10.1007/s00170-013-4804-5 000325261400003)
李增強, 韓傑才, 孫濤等. 評價金剛石刀具各向異性的周期鍵鏈模型. 納米技術與精密工程. 2011, 9(2): 174~179. (EI: 20111913972170)
Z.Q. Li, J.C. Han, W.J. Zong, et al. A novel method for high efficiently lapping of rounded diamond cutting tools. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing. 2011, 7(5/6): 463~474. (EI: 20120814798709)
宗文俊, 李增強, 胡振江等. 天然金剛石晶體的真空熱化學腐蝕工藝. 哈爾濱工業大學學報. 2013, 45(3):61-65. (EI: 20131816300524)
周京博, 李增強, 孫濤, 宗文俊. 微圓弧金剛石刀具刀尖圓弧的測量及評價. 納米技術與精密工程. 2013, 11(4): 334-340. Z.Q. Li, J. Wang, Q. Wu. Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Micromachining of Polycrystalline Diamond. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 497: 220~224. (EI 20121814977380)
Z.Q. Li, J. Wang, Q. Wu. Molecular dynamics simulation of the ablation process in ultrashort pulsed laser machining of polycrystalline diamond. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 500: 351~356. (EI 20122015018599)
Z.Q. Li, W.J. Zong, T. Sun, et al. Material Removing Mechanism of Mechanical Lapping Diamond Cutting Tools. 納米技術與精密工程. 2009, 7(1): 31~35. (EI: 20091011946851).
Z.Q. Li, T. Sun, W.J. Zong, et al. Influence of Alignment Errors on Measuring Nose Roundness of Diamond Cutting Tools with a Novel Method. Materials Science Forum. 2012, 697-698: 828~833. (EI: 20114214429347)
Z.Q. Li, W.J. Zong, T. Sun, et al. Mechanism and techniques of mechanical lapping of nature diamond cutting tools' nose arc. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2010, 7655: 76550C. (EI: 20105013487299)
李增強, 宗文俊,孫濤,趙學森. 一種圓弧刃金剛石刀具刀尖圓弧圓度的檢測裝置, ZL200910072876.6.
宗文俊, 李增強, 孫濤. 一種適合於金剛石刀具製造的熱-機耦合刃磨工藝, ZL200910072872.
李增強, 宗文俊, 孫濤. 一種基於空氣靜壓導軌部件的金剛石刀具慢進快退裝置, ZL201210066858.9.
宗文俊, 李增強, 孫濤.基於納米氧化銅的天然金剛石刀具中空熱化學腐蝕方法, ZL201210053742.1.
李增強, 宗文俊, 姚洪輝, 孫濤.平面型精密二維微位移台, ZL201210505677.1
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