

Journal of Geographical Sciences

Journal of Geographical Sciences》近期熱推的 Springer Nature「一帶一路[1]」專輯中收錄了Journal of Geographical Sciences 兩期有關「一帶一路」研究的特刊,匯集了20篇原創論文,內容涵蓋「一帶一路」倡議的理論闡述、海外經貿合作的政策移動性、沿線貿易網絡分析、中歐班列運輸模式、全球航運戰略支點識別;地緣模擬系統研究、全球海洋運輸網絡健壯性評估、中蒙俄高鐵建設評估、沿線國家人口與城市化發展、中亞乾旱區水儲量變化等一些不容錯過的研究成果。




Spatio-temporal simulation of the geopolitical environment system

A fine-grained perspective on the robustness of global cargo ship transportation networks

An evaluation of the economic, social, and ecological risks of China-Mongolia-Russia high-speed railway construction and policy suggestions

Spatio-temporal evolution of population and urbanization in the countries along the Belt and Road 1950–2050

Maritime network dynamics before and after international events

The geographical characteristics of Nansha Islands in the South China Sea

Dynamic monitoring the infrastructure of major ports in Sri Lanka by using multi-temporal high spatial resolution remote sensing images

Influences of environmental changes on water storage variations in Central Asia

Quantitative analysis of the impact factors of conventional energy carbon emissions in Kazakhstan based on LMDI decomposition and STIRPAT model

Simulating potential yields of Chinese super hybrid rice in Bangladesh, India and Myanmar with EPIC model



A discursive construction of the Belt and Road Initiative: From neo-liberal to inclusive globalization

The identification of global strategic shipping pivots and their spatial patterns

The structure and evolution of trade relations between countries along the Belt and Road

The trade network of the Belt and Road Initiative and its topological relationship to the global trade network

Tracking embodied carbon flows in the Belt and Road regions

An organizational model and border port hinterlands for the China-Europe Railway Express

Chinese overseas industrial parks in Southeast Asia: An examination of policy mobility from the perspective of embeddedness

Detecting and mapping annual newly-burned plots (NBP) of swiddening using historical Landsat data in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia (MMSEA) during 1988–2016

Assessment of efficiency and potentiality of agricultural resources in Central Asia

Spatiotemporal characteristics of seasonal precipitation and their relationships with ENSO in Central Asia during 1901–2013

Journal of Geographical Sciences雜誌投稿

Journal of Geographical Sciences雜誌社審稿


Journal of Geographical Sciences雜誌社投稿須知

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