1990.09-1994.07 北京科技大学热能工程专业,获工学学士学位
1994.09-1997.03 北京科技大学热能工程专业,获工学硕士学位
1998.09-2002.03 北京科技大学热能工程专业,获工学博士学位
1997.04-2016.04 北京科技大学机械工程学院热科学与能源工程系,助教、讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师
2005.07-2005.12 美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校,访问学者
2012.08-2013.02 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,访问学者
2016.04-至今 北京科技大学能源与环境工程学院热科学与能源工程系,教授、博士生导师,主任
1. 工业热过程数值模拟
2. 流程优化与系统节能
3. 微藻生物质能
4. 纳米复合能源材料
冶金工业节能减排北京市重点实验室 副主任
北京高校节能与环保工程研究中心 副主任
中国工业节能减排大学联盟(筹) 秘书长
北京热物理与能源工程学会 监事
北京机械工程学会工业炉分会 秘书长
[1] Yuan Hao, Zhang Xinru*, Jiang Zeyi, Wang Xinyu, Wang Yi, Cao Limei, Zhang Xinxin. Effect of light spectra on microalgal biofilm: cell growth, photosynthetic property, and main organic composition [J]. Renewable Energy, 2020.
[2] Zhang Xinru, Yuan Hao, Wang Yi, Guan Libo, Zeng Ziyi, Jiang Zeyi*, Zhang Xinxin. Cell surface energy affects the structure of microalgal biofilm [J]. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 2020, 36 (12): 3057-3063.
[3] Lu Yuanxiang, Jiang Zeyi*, Zhang Xinru, Liu Sihan, Wang Jingsong, Zhang Xinxin. Determination of void boundary in a packed bed by laser attenuation measurement [J]. Particuology, 2020, 51: 72-79.
[4] Yuan Hao, Wang Yi, Xi Yanaoming, Jiang Zeyi, Zhang Xinru*, Wang Xinyu, Zhang Xinxin. Light-emitting diode power conversion capability and CO2 fixation rate of microalgae biofilm cultured under different light spectra [J]. Energies, 2020, 13 (7): 1536.
[5] Cai Xinzhi, Dong Xuanzuo, Lv Wanxin, Ji Chengzhi, Jiang Zeyi, Zhang Xinru*, Gao Ting, Yue Kai, Zhang Xinxin. Synergistic enhancement of thermal conductivity for low dielectric constant boron nitride–polytetrafluoroethylene composites by adding small content of graphene nanosheets [J]. Composites Communications, 2020, 17: 163-169.
[6] Zhang Xinru, Yuan Hao, Guan Libo, Wang Xinyu, Wang Yi, Jiang Zeyi*, Cao Limei, Zhang Xinxin. Influence of Photoperiods on Microalgae Biofilm: Photosynthetic Performance, Biomass Yield, and Cellular Composition [J]. Energies, 2019, 12 (19): 3724.
[7] Zhang Xinru, Xie Xiaoyu, Cai Xinzhi, Jiang Zeyi*, Gao Ting, Ren Yujie, Hu Jian, Zhang Xinxin. Graphene−perfluoroalkoxy nanocomposite with high through-plane thermal conductivity fabricated by hot-pressing [J]. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9 (9): 1320.
[8] Zhang Xinru, Cai Xinzhi, Xie Xiaoyu, Pu Changyu, Dong Xuanzuo, Jiang Zeyi*, Gao Ting, Ren Yujie, Hu Jian, Zhang Xinxin. Anisotropic thermally conductive perfluoroalkoxy composite with low dielectric constant fabricated by aligning boron nitride nanosheets via hot pressing [J]. Polymers, 2019, 11 (10): 1638.
[9] Zhang Xinru, Cai Xinzhi, Jin Kairu, Jiang Zeyi*, Yuan Hao, Jia Yan, Wang Yang, Cao Limei, Zhang Xinxin. Determining the surface tension of two-Dimensional nanosheets by a low-rate advancing contact angle measurement [J]. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 2019, 35 (25): 8308-8315.
[10] Yuan Hao, Zhang Xinu*, Jiang Zeyi, Wang Xinyu, Chen Xuehui, Cao Limei, Zhang Xinxin. Analyzing the effect of pH on microalgae adhesion by identifying the dominant interaction between cell and surface [J]. Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 2019, 177: 479-486.
[11] Yuan Hao, Zhang Xinu*, Jiang Zeyi, Chen Xuehui, Zhang Xinxin. Quantitative Criterion to Predict Cell Adhesion by Identifying Dominant Interaction between Microorganisms and Abiotic Surfaces [J]. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 2019, 35 (9): 3524-3533.
[12] Lu Yuanxiang, Jiang Zeyi*, Zhang Xinru, Wang Jingsong, Zhang Xinxin. Vertical section observation of the solid flow in a blast furnace with a cutting method [J]. Metals, 2019, 9 (2).
[13] Zhang Xinru, Yuan Hao, Jiang Zeyi*, Lin Dahao, Zhang Xinxin. Impact of surface tension of wastewater on biofilm formation of microalgae Chlorella sp [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 266: 498-506.
[14] Liu Lianzhi, Jiang Zeyi*, Zhang Xinru, Lu Yuanxiang, He Junkai, Wang Jingsong, Zhang Xinxin. Effects of top gas recycling on in-furnace status, productivity, and energy consumption of oxygen blast furnace [J]. Energy, 2018, 163: 144-150.
[15] Cai Xinzhi, Jiang Zeyi, Zhang Xinru*, Zhang Xinxin. Effects of tip sonication parameters on liquid phase exfoliation of graphite into graphene nanoplatelets [J]. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2018, 13 (1): 241.
[16] Cai Xinzhi, Jiang Zeyi, Zhang Xinru*, Gao Ting, Yue Kai, Zhang Xinxin. Thermal property improvement of polytetrafluoroethylene nanocomposites with graphene nanoplatelets [J]. RSC Advances, 2018, 8 (21): 11367-11374.
[17] Wu Y L, Jiang Z Y, Zhang X X, et al. Process optimization of metallurgical dust recycling by direct reduction in rotary hearth furnace[J]. Powder Technology, 2018, 326:101-113.
[18] Bao C, Jiang Z, Zhang X. Analytical solution to heat transfer in compressible laminar flow in a flat minichannel [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127:975-988.
[19] Bao C, Wang Y, Feng D L, Jiang Z Y, Zhang X X. Macroscopic modeling of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and model-based control of SOFC and gas turbine hybrid system. Prog. Energ. Combust., 2018, 66: 83-140.
[20] 陈林根, 冯辉君, 谢志辉, 姜泽毅,等. 钢铁生产流程物流-能流-环境作用机理及广义热力学优化[J]. 中国科学:技术科学, 2018(2).
[21] Jin P, Jiang Z*, Bao C, et al. The energy consumption and carbon emission of the integrated steel mill with oxygen blast furnace [J]. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 2017, 117:58-65.
[22] Wu Y L, Jiang Z Y, Zhang X X, et al. Modeling of Thermochemical Behavior in an Industrial-Scale Rotary Hearth Furnace for Metallurgical Dust Recycling[J]. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions B, 2017, 48(5):2403-2418.
[23] Wang B, Zhang X, Li X, Jiang Z, et al. An inexact two-stage stochastic risk-aversion model for integrated energy system management in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, China[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2017, 9(4):045902
[24] Chen Zhijie, Zhang Xinru, Jiang Zeyi*, Chen Xuehui, He Hongzhou, Zhang Xinxin. Light/dark cycle of microalgae cells in raceway ponds: effects of paddlewheel rotational speeds and baffles installation [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 219: 387-391.
[25] Bao C, Jiang Zeyi, Zhang X. Modeling mass transfer in solid oxide fuel cell anode: II. H2 /CO co-oxidation and surface diffusion in synthesis-gas operation [J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2016, 324:261-271.
[26] Cheng Bao, Zeyi Jiang, Xinxin Zhang. Modeling mass transfer in solid oxide fuel cell anode: I. Comparison between Fickian, Stefan-Maxwell and dusty-gas models. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 310, 1 April 2016, Pages 32-40
[27] Zhijie Chen, Zeyi Jiang*, Xinxin Zhang, Jun Zhang. Numerical and experimental study on the CO2 gas–liquid mass transfer in flat-plate airlift photobioreactor with different bafflesl. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Volume 106, 15 February 2016, Pages 129-138
[28] Jin Peng, Jiang Zeyi*, Bao Cheng, et al. Mathematical Modeling of the Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission for the Oxygen Blast Furnace with Top Gas Recycling[J]. Steel Research International, 2016, 87(3):320-329.
[29] Zhang Xinru, Zhang Qian, Yan Tao, Jiang Zeyi, Zhang Xinxin, Zuo Yi*. Quantitatively predicting bacterial adhesion using surface free energy determined with a spectrophotometric method [J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (10): 6164-6171.
[30] 金鹏, 姜泽毅*, 包成,等. 炉顶煤气循环氧气高炉一维气固换热与反应动力学模型[J]. 工程科学学报, 2015(4):499-508.
[31] Cheng Bao, Zeyi Jiang, Xinxin Zhang. Mathematical modeling of synthesis gas fueled electrochemistry and transport including H2/CO co-oxidation and surface diffusion in solid oxide fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 294, 30 October 2015, Pages 317-332
[32] Zhang Xinru, Zhang Qian, Yan Tao, Jiang Zeyi, Zhang Xinxin, Zuo Yi*. Surface free energy activated high-throughput cell sorting [J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86 (18): 9350-9355.
[33] Zhang Xinru, Jiang Zeyi*, Li Mengyin, Zhang Xinxin, Wang Ge, Chou Aihui, Chen Liang, Yan Hai, Zuo Yi*. Rapid spectrophotometric method for determining surface free energy of microalgal cells [J]. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86 (17): 8751-8756.
[34] Wang, Peng; Jiang, Zeyi*; Geng, Xinyi; Hao, Shiyu; Zhang, Xinxin. Quantification of Chinese steel cycle flow: Historical status and future options. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2014, 87: 191-199.
[35] 汪鹏, 姜泽毅*, 张欣欣,等. 中国钢铁工业流程结构、能耗和排放长期情景预测[J]. 北京科技大学学报, 2014(12):1683-1693.
[36] Hasanbeigi Ali; Jiang Zeyi; Price Lynn. Retrospective and prospective analysis of the trends of energy use in Chinese iron and steel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 74: 105-118.
[37] Zeyi Jiang, Xinxin Zhang, Peng Jin, Fushan Tian, Yejian Yang. Energy-saving Potential and Process Optimization of Iron and Steel Manufacturing System. International Journal of Energy Research. 2013, 37(15): 2009-2018.
[38] Xinru Zhang, Zeyi Jiang*, Liang Chen, Aihui Chou, Hai Yan,Yi Y. Zuo, Xinxin Zhang. Influence of Cell properties on Rheological Characterization of Microalgae Suspensions. Bioresource technology, 2013. 139: 209-213.
[39] Wang P, Jiang Z Y*, Liu Z T, et al. Modeling and Optimizing Energy Utilization of Steel Production Process: A Hybrid Petri Net Approach. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 5: 191963.
[40] Wu Y L, Jiang Z Y*, Zhang X X, Wang P, et al. Numerical simulation of the direct reduction of pellets in a rotary hearth furnace for zinc-containing metallurgical dust treatment. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2013, 20(7): 636-644.
[1] 北京科技大学师德先进个人和北京科技大学先进工作者(2014)
[2] “工业热工基础”课程获北京科技大学研究型教学示范课程(2017)和北京科技大学优秀课程(2012)
[3] “传热传质学课程教学团队”获北京市优秀教学团队(2010)
[4] “传热传质学”获国家级双语教学示范课程(2007)和国家级精品课程(2006)
[5] “转底炉直接还原处理钢铁厂含锌尘泥成套工艺产业化”项目获山东省科学技术奖二等奖(2014)
[6] “钢铁行业节能减排技术筛选与评估”项目获冶金科学技术奖三等奖(2013)
[7] “无缝钢管热轧生产线上加热炉计算机优化控制”项目获冶金科学技术奖三等奖(2001)
[1] 国家重点研发计划 – 冶金、化工炉窑及系统节能减排关键技术
[2] 国家重点研发计划 – 钢铁生产流程工序匹配与系统节能
[3] 国家973计划 - 钢铁流程系统的能耗排放特征及其广义热力学优化
[4] 国家自然科学基金 - 全氧高炉炼铁关键技术基础
[5] 国家自然科学基金 - 仿生表面含湿空气凝结析水机理探讨
[6] 国家科技支撑计划 - 炉顶煤气循环氧气鼓风高炉炼铁技术
[7] 国家科技支撑计划 - 钢铁行业节能减排技术筛选与评估
[8] 国家科技支撑计划 - 新一代钢厂精准设计技术和流程动态优化研究
[9] 国家发改委示范工程 - 年产20万吨金属化球团转底炉处理钢铁厂含锌粉尘技术研究
[10] 教育部重点基金 - 钢铁工业铸轧工序界面技术
[11] 博士点基金 - 微藻光生物反应器光合强化的热物理基础
[12] 北京市科委 - 冶金工业节能环保关键技术研究
[13] 北京市教委 - 基于太阳能利用的生物能源微藻高效紧凑型培养方法与示范装置
[14] 宝钢 - 典型钢铁流程能效提升技术研发路线图
[15] 宝钢 - 顶煤气循环氧气高炉风口喷吹机构及循环煤气加热技术开发
[16] 宝钢 - 氧气高炉生产煤化工合成气冶炼新工艺的关键技术研究
[17] 科利特 - 污水熄焦炉数学模型及压力控制策略
[18] 涟钢 - 步进式板坯加热炉二级控制系统
[19] 宝钢 – 环形加热炉数学模型及其在线优化控制
[20] 宝钢 - 钢管张减过程传热模型及温度反馈功能研究
[21] 济钢 - 钢卷退火过程温度分布与粘结机理研究
[22] 宝钢 - 全氢罩式炉退火过程在线模型研究
[23] 宝钢 - 带钢镀后气雾冷却传热过程数值仿真
[24] 中航院 - 井式冷却装置冷却过程分析[1]