

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2011.09-2017.06 廈門大學 經濟學院中國能源經濟研究中心 博士(碩博連讀)

2007.09-2011.07 南京財經大學 金融學院金融系學士





[1] Liu C, Liu Y , Zhang D.Y, Xie C.P.The capital market responses to new energy vehicle (NEV) subsidies: An event study on China [J]. Energy Economics, 2022(105),105677.

[2] Liu C, Wei C. The world’s largest residential energy switching program is at risk[J]. Environmental Science&Technology, 2021,55,22,15004-15006.

[3] Zhu B, Liu C, Wei C. Urban residential heating policy in China: A review[J]. Energy & Buildings, 2021(253), 111547.

[4] Yuan P, Pu Y.R, Liu C (corresponding author). Improving electricity supply reliability in China: Cost and incentive regulation[J]. Energy, 2021(237), 121558.

[5] Liu C, Zhu B, Ni J.L, Wei C. Residential coal-switch policy in China: Development, achievement, and challenge[J]. Energy Policy, 2021(151), 112165.

[6] Liu C, Liu L , Zhang D.Y, Fu J.S. How does the capital market respond to policy shocks? Evidence from listed solar photovoltaic companies in China[J]. Energy Policy, 2021(151), 112054.

[7] Liu Z, Wang M.H, Xiong Q.Q, Liu C (corresponding author). Does centralized residence promote the use of cleaner cooking fuels? Evidence from rural China[J]. Energy Economics, 2020(91), 104895.

[8] Liu C, Lin B.Q. Is increasing-block electricity pricing effectively carried out in China? A case study in Shanghai and Shenzhen [J]. Energy Policy, 2020(138), 111278.

[9] Liu C, Lin B.Q. Analysis of the changes in the scale of natural gas subsidy in China and its decomposition factors[J]. Energy Economics, 2018(70):37-44.

[10] Liu C, Lin B.Q. Evaluating design of increasing block tariffs for residential natural gas in China: A case study of Henan province[J]. Computational Economics, 2017(1):1-17.

[11] 林伯強,劉暢. 中國能源補貼改革與有效能源補貼[J].《中國社會科學》,2016年第10期。(獲第七屆張培剛發展經濟學優秀成果獎, 獲第八屆教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(人文社科)二等獎)

[12] 林伯強,劉暢. 收入和城市化對城鎮居民家電消費的影響[J].《經濟研究》,2016年第10期。

[13] Lin B.Q, Liu Chang. Why is electricity consumption inconsistent with economic growth in China?[J].Energy Policy,2016,88:310-316. (ESI-Highly Cited Papers)

[14] Lin B.Q, Liu Chang. Lin Lei. The effect of China’s natural gas pricing reform[J].Emerging Markets Finance & Trade,2015,51(4):812-825.


2022.01-至今 中國新能源汽車產業補貼政策的創新效應評價 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金 JBK2202018 主持人

2021.01-2021.12 基於金融視角的中國新能源汽車補貼政策效果評價 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金 JBK2102025 主持人

2020.01-至今 中國頁岩氣產業財稅政策的現狀、問題和優化路徑研究 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 71904159 主持人

2018.04-2018.12 新時代我國「氣荒」問題應對與天然氣改革路徑選擇研究 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金 JBK1801028 主持人[1]
