台灣窄葉青岡 |
中文名:台灣窄葉青岡 學 名:Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides (Hayata) Kudo et Masamune 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 Angiospermae 綱:雙子葉植物綱 Dicotyledoneae 亞 綱:原始花被亞綱 Archichlamydeae 目:山毛櫸目 Fagales 科:殼斗科 Fagaceae 屬:青岡屬 Cyclobalanopsis 種:台灣窄葉青岡 分布區域:中國台灣 |
台灣窄葉青岡 (tái wān zhǎi yè qīng gāng),學名 Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides (Hayata) Kud & Masam為常綠喬木,高17米,樹皮灰白色,開裂。小枝較細,淺灰色,無毛。產於台灣中央山脈。 [1]
常綠喬木,高17米,樹皮灰白色,開裂。 小枝較細,淺灰色,無毛。
花期4-5月,果期翌年9-10月。 [2]
Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides (Hayata) Kudo et Masamune in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Form. 20: 162. 1930; Li, Woody Fl. Taiwan 100. 1963; Y. C. Liu, Lign. Pl. Taiwan rev. ed. 299. 1981;中國樹木志2: 2320. 1985. ——Quercus stenophylloides Hayata, Ic. Pl. Form. 4: 21. 1914;中國高等植物圖鑑, 補編1: 124. 1982. ——Q. stenophylla (Blume) Makino var.stenophylloides (Hayata) A. Camus, Chenes 1: 272. 1936-38; Atlas 2: t. 233. 1936.——Cyclobalanopsis stenophylla (Blume) Schottky var. stenophylloides (Hayata) Liao in Forest ser. 62: 48. 1974; Li & al. Fl. Taiwan 2: 76. 1976.
Quercus stenophylloides Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 4: 21. 1914; Cyclobalanopsis stenophylla (Blume) Schottky var. stenophylloides (Hayata) J. C. Liao; Q. salicina Blume var. stenophylloides (Hayata) S. S. Ying; Q. stenophylla (Blume) Makino var. stenophylloides (Hayata) A. Camus.
Trees to 17 m tall. Branchlets slender, gray, glabrous. Petiole 1.5-2 cm, glabrous; leaf blade oblong-elliptic to lanceolate, 7-12 × 1.5-3.5 cm, leathery, abaxially farinose and with prostrate simple hairs but usually glabrescent, adaxially green, base narrowly acute to rounded, margin with short, awnlike serrations, apex acuminate to caudate; secondary veins 11-13 on each side of midvein, extending into serration; tertiary veins abaxially inconspicuous to obscure. Female inflorescences 2-2.5 cm, cupules 6 or 7. Cupule cupular, 1-1.5 × ca. 1.2 cm, enclosing ca. 1/2 or less of nut, outside and inside grayish velutinous, wall less than 1 mm thick; bracts in 6 or 8 rings, margin dentate. Nut ellipsoid, 1.7-2 × ca. 1.5 cm, glabrous; scar ca. 5 mm in diam., flat; stylopodium persistent, conspicuous, 3-ringed. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Sep-Oct of following year.
- Broad-leaved evergreen forests in mountains; (500-)1100-2600 m. C to N Taiwan
The Japanese Cyclobalanopsis salicina (Blume) Oersted has been reported in Taiwan (J. C. Liao, Fl. Taiwan, ed. 2, 2: 84. 1996). Cyclobalanopsis salicina and C. stenophylloides are very closely related, but the plants in Taiwan are apparently populations of C. stenophylloides growing on sandstone ridges at lower elevations than is typical for this species.
生長於海拔1100-2 600米的山地森林中。 [3]
- 移至 ↑ 台灣窄葉青岡, 植物智, 2020-01-18
- 移至 ↑ 《中國植物志》 第22卷 (1998) >> 314頁 PDF >> 台灣窄葉青岡 Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides
- 移至 ↑ 台灣窄葉青岡Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides (Hayata) Kudo et... 種中文名:台灣窄葉青岡種拉丁名:Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides (Hayata) Kudo et Masamune科中文名:殼斗科科拉丁名:Fagaceae屬中文名:青岡屬...
- 移至 ↑ 台灣窄葉青岡 .中國植物物種信息數據庫[引用日期2012-07-01]