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2007/09- 2012/06:博士,中國科學院電子學研究所航天微波遙感系統部
2003/09- 2007/07:本科,北京信息科技大學信息與通信工程系
2016/09- 2020/11: 合肥工業大學,副教授
2012/06- 2016/08:中國電科第38研究所,高級工程師
2010/09- 2011/11:法國THOMSON/Technicolor北京研究院
2008/09- 2008/12:愛立信公司北京研究院
[2]中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目 (2020T130165),複雜環境下基於時空相關樹模型的高分寬幅星載SAR艦船檢測方法研究,2020-2021
[3]國家自然科學基金青年項目 (61701157), 基於空間相關特性的大幅寬SAR圖像艦船檢測, 2018- 2020
[4]安徽省自然科學基金 (1808085QF206), 2018-2020
[6] 教育部重點實驗室開放課題(NJ20210008),2021-2023.
[9]中央高校基本科研業務費專項, 2017-2018
(1)《Current Chinese Sciences》副編委,《遙感學報》和《計算機工程學報》編委
(4)擔任IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing、IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing、IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering、IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing、IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters、Signal Processing、International Journal of Remote Sensing、中國科學、遙感學報、電子與信息學報、雷達學報、中國圖象圖形學報、計算機工程等國內外知名期刊審稿人。被評為《遙感學報》、《雷達學報》優秀審稿專家。
[1] Jiaqiu Ai, et, al., SAR Target Classification Using the Multi-kernel-size Feature Fusion based Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Accepted. (頂級期刊)
[2] Jiaqiu Ai, et, al., AIS Data Aided Rayleigh CFAR Ship Detection Algorithm of Multiple-Target Environment in SAR Images, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Accepted. (頂級期刊)
[3] Jiaqiu Ai, et, al., Robust CFAR Ship Detector based onBilateral-Trimmed-Statistics of Complex Ocean Scenes in SARImagery: A Closed-Form Solution, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2021, 57(3): 1872-1890. (頂級期刊)
[4] Jiaqiu Ai, et, al., Outliers-robust CFAR detector of Gaussian cutter based on the truncated-maximum-likelihood-estimator in SAR imagery, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, 21(5): 2039-2049. (頂級期刊)
[5] Jiaqiu Ai, et, al., Multi-scale rotation-invariant haar-like feature integrated CNN based ship detection of multiple-target environment in SAR imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(12): 10070-10087. (頂級期刊)
[6] Jiaqiu Ai, et, al., An Improved SRGAN based Ambiguity Suppression Algorithm for SAR Ship Target Contrast Enhancement, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Accepted.
[7] Jiaqiu Ai, et, al., A refined bilateral filtering algorithmbased on the adaptively-trimmed statistics for speckle reductionin SAR images, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 103443-103455.
[8] Jiaqiu Ai, Zhenxiang Cao, et, al., An adaptive-trimming-depth based CFAR detector of heterogeneous environment in SAR imagery, Remote Sensing Letters, 2020, 11(8): 730-738.
[9] Jiaqiu Ai, Hang Yang, et, al., Truncated-statistics-based bilateral filter for speckle reduction in synthetic aperture radar imagery, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2019, 13(2), 026505.
[10] Jiaqiu Ai, Xuezhi Yang, Jitao Song, Zhangyu Dong, Lu Jia, Fang Zhou, An Adaptively-Truncated Clutter-Statistics-Based Two Parameter CFAR Detector in SAR Imagery, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2018, 43(1): 267-279.
[11] Jiaqiu Ai, Xuezhi Yang, Fang Zhou, Zhangyu Dong, Lu Jia, He Yan, A Correlation-Based Joint CFAR Detector Using Adaptively-Truncated Statistics in SAR Imagery, Sensors, 2017,17(4), 686: 1-19.
[12] Jiaqiu Ai, Xiangyang Qi, Weidong Yu, Fan Liu, A novel ship wakeCFAR detection algorithm based on SCR enhancement and normalizedHough transform, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2011, 8(4): 681-685.
[13] Jiaqiu Ai, Xiangyang Qi, Weidong Yu, Fan Liu,Li Shi, A new shipCFAR detection algorithm based on 2D joint Log-Normal Distributionin SAR images, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2010, 7(4): 806-810.
[1]Jiaqiu Ai, et, al., A new ship detection algorithm ofmultiple-target environment based on multi-layered covolutionalneural network in SAR imagery, 39th IEEE Geoscience and RemoteSensing Symposium (IGARSS 2019), Yokohoma, Japan, Accepted forpublication.
[2]Jiaqiu Ai, et, al., A New Two Parameter CFAR Ship Detector inLog-Normal Clutter, IEEE Radar Conference 2017, Seatle, USA,0195-0199.
[3]Jiaqiu Ai, Xuezhi Yang, He Yan, Zhihui Yuan, A Local CFAR Detectorbased on Gray Intensity Correlation in SAR imagery, the 38th IEEEGeoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2018), Valencia,Spain, 0697-0700.
[4]Jiaqiu Ai, Xuezhi Yang, He Yan, Zhihui Yuan, A Priori-Knowledgebased Ship CFAR Detection and Determination Algorithm in SARImagery, the 38th IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS 2018), Valencia, Spain, 0701-0704.
[5]Jiaqiu Ai, The Application of SVD-based Speckle Reduction andtophat Transform in Preprocessing of ship detection, IETInternational Radar Conference 2015, Hangzhou, China, 1-4, Oral.
[6]Jiaqiu Ai, Xiangyang Qi, Weidong Yu, He Yan, Correlation basedjoint CFAR ship detector in SAR images, EUSAR 2012, Nuremberg,Germany, 384-387.
[2]艾加秋,楊學志.基於截斷統計特徵的SAR圖像雙邊濾波方法,發明專利,201810541504 .2 , 2018.5.30.(已授權)
[4]艾加秋,楊學志,楊航,吳聰聰.基於空間相關特性的SAR圖像聯合CFAR檢測方法,發明專利:201710864776.1,2017.9.22. (實審)
[5]艾加秋,楊學志,夏天,許開煒.基於截斷雜波統計的SAR圖像雙參數CFAR檢測方法,發明專利:201710864777.6,2017.9.22. (已授權)
[7]艾加秋,毛宇翔,王非凡. 基於雙邊截斷統計特性的SAR圖像CFAR檢測方法,發明專利:20210041406.4,2021.1.13.
[9] 艾加秋, 毛宇翔, 王非凡, 基於多核尺度卷積神經網絡的SAR圖像目標分類方法, 發明專利: 202110517513.X, 2021.5.12.
[10]艾加秋,毛宇翔,曹振翔,羅旗舞. 基於多層級深度卷積神經網絡的SAR圖像艦船檢測系統,軟件著作權:2020SR1222346,2020.7.25.
[11]艾加秋,曹振翔,毛宇翔,羅旗舞. 複雜環境下雷達目標恆虛警率檢測系統,軟件著作權:2021SR0651339,2021.1.7.[1]