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Ph.D. 經濟學,德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校, 2008
M.S. 經濟學, 德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校, 2004
B.S. 數學, 武漢大學, 2001
B.A. 金融學, 武漢大學,2000
2021.8 至今 中南財經政法大學財政稅務學院,教授
2016.1-2021.7 北京大學國家發展研究院,副教
- 「Costly Labor Adjustment: General Equilibrium Effects of China's Employment regulations and Financial Reforms,」 with Russell W. Cooper and Guan Gong, forthcoming in the Economic Journal.
- 「Co-residence with Elderly Parents and Female Labor Supply in China,」 with Ke Shen and Yi Zeng, Demographic Research, 2016.
- 「Dynamic Labor Demand in China: Public and Private Objectives,」 with Russell W. Cooper
- and Guan Gong, RAND Journal of Economics, 2015.
- 「What did China’s Labor Contract Law do to its Private Manufacturing Firms?」,
- China Economic Journal, 2015.
- 「How much do Workers Search?」,Annals of Economics and Finance (SSCI), 2013.
- 「Optimal Unemployment Insurance with Endogenous Search Effort」,
- Annals of Economics and Finance (SSCI), 2011.
- 「資本賬戶自由化、政治關聯與民營上市企業股價波動」(合作者:王戴黎),
- 《浙江社會科學》, 2013.
- 「資本誤配置的影響因素初探」,《經濟學(季刊)》,2012.
- 「中國短期資本流動管制是否有效?」(合作者:苟琴、王戴黎、黃益平),
- 《世界經濟》,2012.
- 「中國女性勞動參與率下降的新解釋-家庭結構變遷的視角」 (合作者:沈可、章元),《人口研究》,2012.
- 「關於 WTI-Brent 原油價差的理論和實證分析」(合作者:陳威、黃卓),
- 《價格理論與實踐》, 2012.
- 「消息衝擊下的財政政策及其宏觀影響」(合作者:吳化斌、許志偉、胡永剛),
- 《管理世界》,2011.
- 「Costly Labor Adjustment: Effects of China's Employment Regulations」, with Russell W. Cooper and Guan Gong, NBER working paper 17948.
- 「The Effect of Rising Labor Costs on China’s Exporting Sector: A Dynamic Structural Model with Firm Entry and Exit, working paper.
- 「Bargaining, Search and Price Dispersion: Evidence from the Automobile Market」, with Yingjuan Du, working paper.
- Shadow Banking, Firm Leverage, and SOE Reform, with Russell W. Cooper and Guan Gong, work in progress.
- China’s Labor Regulations and Privatization, with Russell W. Cooper and Guan Gong, work in progress.
- Factor Misallocation in China, with Russell W. Cooper and Guan Gong, work in progress.
- Fixed Exchange Rates, Real Undervaluation, and Export-led Growth: a Dynamic Approach, with Rundong Ji, Rui Mao and Yang Yao, work in progress.
- 「非公有企業勞動力需求:基於僱傭成本與解僱成本的研究」 (合作者:吳化斌),工作論文.
- 「工資上漲對企業固定資產投資的影響」,工作論文.
- 「金融危機:挑戰與應對」,《求知》,2010.
- 「諾獎與配對」,《南方周末》,2010.[1]