高麗人(俄語:Корё сарам;韓語;zh-hk:韓語;zh-sg:韩语:고려인/高丽人 或 韓語;zh-hk:韓語;zh-sg:韩语:고려사람/高丽사람)或高麗族是在原蘇聯地區定居的朝鮮族的總稱。約有500,000高麗人定居於原蘇聯,主要分佈在是現今中亞地區已獨立的國家中(哈薩克斯坦、烏茲別克斯坦、吉爾吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦),俄羅斯南部、烏克蘭、高加索一帶也有分布。這個群體可以追溯至19世紀後期生活在俄羅斯濱海邊疆區的咸鏡北道朝鮮族。朝鮮人最初出現在俄國是在1860年,他們因飢荒逃亡至滿洲一帶,有761個家庭5310人。1907年統計有26005人,1919年有63409人。1923年106817人。
- 亞歷山大·閔,蘇聯上尉,唯一的高麗人蘇聯英雄
- 維克多·崔,蘇聯搖滾歌手。
- 金瓊淑,蘇聯著名體操運動員。
- 許哥誼,朝鮮民主主義人民共和國初期著名政治家
- 阿妮塔·崔,俄羅斯高麗族女歌手和作曲家。
- 丹尼斯·丁,哈薩克著名花式滑冰運動員。
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- Ki, Kwangseo, 구소련 한인사회의 역사적 변천과 현실 [Korean society in the former Soviet Union: historical development and realities], Proceedings of 2002 Conference of the Association for the Study of Overseas Koreans (ASOK), Seoul: Association for the Study of Overseas Koreans, December 2002
- Kim, German Nikolaevich, Names of Koryo-saram, Al-Farabi University, 2003 [2007-03-26], (原始內容存檔於2003-10-30)
- Kim, Young-Sik, Who were the Soviet Koreans? The left-right confrontation in Korea – Its origin, Association for Asian Research, 2003b [2009-02-26]
- Lankov, Andrei, The Emergence of the Soviet faction in North Korea, 1945–55, From Stalin to Kim Il Song: the formation of North Korea, 1945–1960, C. Hurst & Co.: 110–135, 2002, ISBN 978-1-85065-563-3
- Lee, Kwang-kyu, Overseas Koreans, Seoul: Jimoondang, 2000, ISBN 89-88095-18-9
- Lee, Jeanyoung, Migration, Ethnicity and Citizenship: Ethnic-Korean Returnees in the Russian Far East, Asia Culture Forum (PDF), Inha University, 2006 [2006-11-23][失效連結]
- Pavlenko, Valentina Nikolaevna, Establishing a boarding school for Koreans in Ukraine, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative Case Studies, 1999, (30), (原始內容 (Microsoft Word)存檔於2004-11-24)
- Pohl, J. Otto, Ethnic Cleansing in the USSR, 1937-1949, Greenwood, 1999, ISBN 0-313-30921-3
- Schlyter, Bridget, Korean Business and Culture in Former Soviet Central Asia, Forum for Central Asian Studies, Stockholm University, 2004 [2006-12-11], (原始內容存檔於2004-05-17)
- 人口普查數據
- Первая всеобщая перепись населения Российской Империи 1897 г. (General Population Census of the Russian Empire in 1897), Demoscope.ru, [2007-05-20]
- Trosterud, Trond, Soviet censuses: Introduction to the census data, legend to the tables, and sources, Norway: University of Tromsø, 2000 [2009-12-01], (原始內容存檔於2000-10-29)
- Russian Census, Федеральная служба государственной статистики, 2002-10-09 [2006-07-26]
- Template:Ru icon [1]
- Template:Ru icon Association of Scientific and Technological Societies Koreans (ANTOK)
- Template:Ru icon CIS Koreans Information Web-Site of ARIRANG.RU
- Template:Ru icon Lib.Ru: the Koreans
- Template:Ru icon Tashkent Representation of the Institute of Asian Culture and Development (TP IAKR) — an Association of Koreans in Karakalpakstan.
- International Center for Korean Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Korean Scientific and Engineering Society (KAHAK)
- Koryo Saram: the Unreliable People (documentary film)
- Koryo Saram Resource of the Central Asian Fulbright Project