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{{Infobox person | 姓名 = '''吴仲华'''| 国 籍 = 中国 | 圖片 = [[File: 吴仲华 .jpg|250px|缩略图|右|吴仲华[http://image.baidu.com/search/detail?ct=503316480&z=0&ipn=d&word 原圖鏈接]]]| 出生日期 = 1917.07.27| 出生地點 = 上海 | 職業 = 工程热物理学家| 毕业院校 = 西南联大》| 原 籍 = 江苏苏州| 性 别 = 男| 逝世日期 = 1992.09.19}}'''吴仲华''' [[吴仲华]] (1917.7.27 - 1992.9.19),出生于上海,原籍江苏苏州市,中国工程热物理学家。中国科学院院士。1940年毕业于西南联大后留校任教。1947年在美国麻省理工学院获博士学位 。先后任美国NACA研究科学家、PIB教授。1954年回国,历任清华大学动力机械系教授兼系副主任,中国科学院动力研究室主任、研究员,力学研究所副所长,中国科学院工程热物理研究所所长、名誉所长,中国科学院主席团执行主席、名誉主席,全国人大常委会委员,中国航空学会理事长,中国工程热物理学会理事长,《工程热物理学报》主编等职。 [1]
*1943年 与李敏华结婚。在昆明考取清华庚款留学生。
*1944年与李敏华一起途经印度赴美,同时在麻省理工学院研究生院学习。原想就读农业机械专业,因该校已不招此专业研究生而改学内燃机。<ref>[http://www.cas.cn/zt/jzt/yszt/jnwzhysdc90zn/spsj/200707/t20070725_2671523.shtml吴仲华先生年表] 中国科学院网 2007年7月</ref>
* Wu, Chung-Hua and Wolfenstein, L.. Application of Radial-Equilibrium Condition to Axial-Flow Compressor and Turbine Design. NACA TR 955,1950, pp: l-40.(《径向平衡条件对轴流式压气机和透平设计的应用》) Wu,Chung-Hua, Sinnette, John T.Jr., and Forrette,Robert E.. Theoretical Effect of Inlet Hub-Tip-Radius Ratio and Design Specific Mass Flow on Design Performance of Axial-Flow Compressors. NACA TN 2068, 1950. Wu,Chung-Hua. Formulas and Tables of Coefficients for Numerical Differentiation with Function Values Given at Unequally Spaced Points and Application to Solution of Partial Differential Equations. NACA TN 2214,1950. Wu, Chung-Hua. A General Theory Of Three-Dimensional Flow in Subsonic and Supersonic Turbomachines of Axial-, Radial-, and Mixed-Flow Types. ASME Paper Number 50-A-79. (《轴流、径流和混流式亚声速与超声速叶轮机械中三元流动的通用理论》,正式出版于1952年)
* Wu,Chung-Hua. A General Through-Flow Theory of Fluid Flow with Subsonic or Supersonic Velocity in Turbomachines Having Arbitrary Hub and Casing Shapes. NACA TN 2302, 1951. (《任意轮毂和机匣形状的叶轮机械中亚声速或超声速流动的通用通流理论》) Wu, Chung-Hua and Brown, C. A.. Method of Analysis for Compressible Flow Past Arbitrary Turbomachine Blades on General Surface of Revolution. NACA TN 2407, 1951. Wu, Chung-Hua and Brown, C. A..A Method of Designing Turbomachine Blades with a Desirable Thickness Distribution for Compressible Flow along an Arbitrary Stream Filament of Revolution. NACA TN 2455,1951. Wu, Chung-Hua and Costilow, E. L..A Method of Solving the Direct and Inverse Problems of Supersonic Flow Along Arbitrary Stream Filaments of Revolution in Turbomachines. NACA TN 2492, 1951
* Wu, Chung-Hua and Brown, C. A.. A Theory of the Direct and Inverse Problems of Compressible Flow Past Cascade of Arbitrary Airfoils. Journal of Aeronautical Sciences, March, 1952, PP: 183-196. Wu, Chung-Hua. A General Theory of Three-Dimensional Flow in Subsonic and Supersonic Turbomachines of Axial-, Radial-, and Mixed-Flow Types. ASME Paper Number 50-A-79,ASME Transactions, November 1952, or NACA TN 2604, 1952, PP: 1-90. (《轴流、径流和混流式亚声速与超声速叶轮机械中三元流动的通用理论》) Wu, Chung-Hua and Brown, C. A.. An Approximate Method of Determining the Subsonic Flow in an Arbitrary Stream Filament of Revolution Cut by Arbitrary Turbomachine Blades. NACA TN 2702,1952. Wu, Chung-Hua and Curtis, A. et al.. Analysis of Flow in a Subsonic Mixed Flow Impeller. NACA TN 2749, 1952. Wu, Chung-Hua. Matrix and Relaxation Solutions that Determine Subsonic Through-Flow in an Axial Flow Gas Turbine. NACA TN 2750,1952
*Wu, Chung-Hua. Subsonic Flow of Air Through a Single Stage and a Seven Stage Compressor. NACA TN 2961, 1953. Wu, Chung-Hua. Discussion to Paper“A Practical Solution of a Three-Dimensional Flow Problem of Axial-Flow Turbomachinery”, ASME Transactions, July 1953, PP: 802-803.
Chung-Hua Wu and Wen Wu. Analysis of Tip-Clearance Flow in Turbomachines. Gas Turbine Laboratory, Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Technical Report, No.1, July, 1954.
*吴仲华.可压缩气体流过位于任意回转面上叶栅的解法和这种叶栅的设计方法. 机械工程学报,1956,4(1):21-46.
*吴仲华.透平机械长叶片气体动力学问题.力学学报,1957,1(1):1 5-48.吴仲华.燃气的热力性质表.北京科学出版社,1957.