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拉丁學名:Piper dolichostachyum

M. G. Gilbert & N. H. Xia


總 門:種子植物門








長穗胡椒(cháng suì hú jiāo)),學名:Piper dolichostachyum M. G. Gilbert & N. H. Xia)是胡椒科胡椒屬木質攀援藤本植物。草本直立和灌木狀, 多數部分具紅棕色毛,雌雄異株。生於林中,攀援於樹上。葉柄5-13毫米,密被短柔毛,雄性穗狀花序未見。 雌性穗狀花序對生,核果濃密包裝, 產於雲南省)。 [1]


草本直立和灌木狀, 多數部分具紅棕色毛,雌雄異株。 乾燥時的莖3-4毫米厚,棱槽,後脫落。 葉柄5-13毫米,密被短柔毛,先出葉在3厘米,無毛;

葉片橢圓狀披針形的到倒卵形,強烈不對稱, 14-25 * 6-11 厘米,薄紙質,沒有明顯的腺體, 背面的濃密棕色短柔毛, 脈8-10,3在更狹窄的邊上, 疏忽的網脈,橫向長圓形,背面的稍突起。

雄性穗狀花序未見。 雌性穗狀花序對生,27-30厘米×毫米在果期; 花序梗4-4.5厘米,無毛; 軸被短柔毛;苞片圓形,盾形,淺的邊緣乾燥時,圓筒狀的1.5-1.7毫米直徑子房多少; [2]

柱頭3或4,反折,非常短和不明顯。 核果濃密包裝,prismaticircaindric,2×1.5毫米果期的約 4月。[3]

Piper dolichostachyum M. G. Gilbert & N. H. Xia 長穗胡椒 chang sui hu jiao[4]

Herbs erect and shrubby (probably), most parts with reddish brown hairs, dioecious. Stems 3-4 mm thick, furrowed when dry, glabrescent.

Petiole 5-13 mm, densely pubescent, prophyll to 3 cm, glabrous; leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate to obovate, strongly asymmetric, 14-25 × 6-11 cm, thinly papery, without evident glands, abaxially densely brown pubescent, nearly tomentose on veins, adaxially sparsely minutely scabrid, base strongly obliquely cordate, basal lobes overlapping, bilateral difference to 3 mm, apex long acuminate;

veins 8-10, 3 on narrower side, up to 7 on wider side, apical pair arising 2-6 cm above base, alternate, nearly reaching leaf apex, next pair often also above base;

reticulate veins lax, transversely oblong, slightly raised abaxially. Male spikes not seen. Female spikes leaf-opposed, 27-30 cm × 6-7 mm in fruit; peduncle 4-4.5 cm, glabrous; rachis pubescent;

bracts orbicular, peltate, margin pale when dried, 1.5-1.7 mm in diam. Ovary ± cylindric; stigmas 3 or 4, reflexed, very short and inconspicuous.

Drupes densely packed, prismatic-cylindric, ca. 2 × 1.5 mm. Fr. Apr.

  • Wet places within forests. S Yunnan (Xishuangbanna Daizu Zizhizhou)

Plants of this species were named as Piper spirei in FRPS, but examination of the type of that name has shown that it belongs to P. boehmeriifolium.

Related Taxa

P. arborescens 蘭嶼胡椒 P. arunachalensis P. attenuatum 卵葉胡椒 P. austrosinense 華南胡椒 P. bambusifolium 竹葉胡椒 P. betle 蔞葉 P. boehmeriifolium 葉 P. boehmeriifolium var. boehmeriifolium 葉(原變種) P. boehmeriifolium var. glabricaule 光莖胡椒 P. bonii 復毛胡椒 P. bonii var. bonii 復毛胡椒(原變種) P. bonii var. macrophyllum 大葉復毛胡椒 P. cathayanum 華山蔞 P. chaudocanum 勐海胡椒 P. chinense 中華胡椒 P. damiaoshanense 大苗山胡椒 P. dolichostachyum 長穗胡椒 P. flaviflorum 黃花胡椒 P. hainanense 海南 P. hancei 山 P. hochiense 河池胡椒 P. hongkongense 毛 P. infossibaccatum 嵌果胡椒 P. infossum var. infossum 沉果胡椒(原變種) P. infossum var. nudum 落葉沉果胡椒 P. interruptum 疏果胡椒 P. kadsura 風藤 P. kawakamii 恆春胡椒 P. kwashoense 綠島胡椒 P. laetispicum 大葉 P. lingshuiense 陵水胡椒 P. longum 蓽拔 P. macropodum 粗梗胡椒 P. mischocarpum 柄果胡椒 P. mullesua 短 P. mutabile 變葉胡椒 P. nigrum 胡椒 P. nudibaccatum 裸果胡椒 P. pedicellatum 角果胡椒 P. pingbienense 屏邊胡椒 P. pleiocarpum 線梗胡椒 P. polysyphonum 樟葉胡椒 P. ponesheense 肉軸胡椒 P. puberulilimbum 毛葉胡椒 P. retrofractum 假蓽拔 P. rhytidocarpum 皺果胡椒 P. rubrum 紅果胡椒 P. sarmentosum 假 P. semiimmersum 緣毛胡椒 P. senporeiense 斜葉 P. sintenense 小葉爬崖香 P. stipitiforme 短柄胡椒 P. submultinerve 多脈胡椒 P. submultinerve var. nandanicum 狹葉多脈胡椒 P. submultinerve var. submultinerve 多脈胡椒(原變種) P. suipigua 滇西胡椒 P. sylvaticum 長柄胡椒 P. taiwanense 台灣胡椒 P. thomsonii 球穗胡椒 P. thomsonii var. microphyllum 小葉球穗胡椒 P. thomsonii var. thomsonii 球穗胡椒(原變種) P. tricolor 三色胡椒 P. tsangyuanense 粗穗胡椒 P. tsengianum 瑞麗胡椒 P. umbellatum 大胡椒 P. wallichii 石南藤 P. wangii 景洪胡椒 P. yinkiangense 盈江胡椒 P. yui 橢圓葉胡椒 P. yunnanense 子


  1. 沉果胡椒, 植物智, 2020-01-18
  2. Piper 210001667 Piper dolichostachyum 長穗胡椒 200005563 Piper flaviflorum 黃花胡椒 200005564 Piper glabricaule 光莖胡椒 200005565 Piper hainanense 海南 200005...
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  4. FOC >> Vol.4 (1999) >> Piperaceae >> Piper | eFloras.org Link