




出生    1921年7月8日

逝世    2006年7月7日(85岁)

母校    哈佛大学

研究领域   性向认同和人类性别分化

专业领域  纽西兰心理学家、性学家和作家

约翰·威廉·曼尼博士(John William Money),1921年7月8日-2006年7月7日),出生在纽西兰摩林斯维的一个基督教友爱会的家庭,是一位纽西兰心理学家性学家作家,因其在性向认同人类性别分化方面的研究而闻名,曼尼在其生涯内也创制了性别认同性别角色和爱情地图等不少重要的理论和专有名词,亦是最早研究性别流动和社会性别认同对个体的影响的心理学家之一。但近年来不少学术研究就其工作的多个方面(尤其是大卫·利马案例)对其加以批评。[1]曼尼的著作已被翻译成多种语言,包括总计2000余篇的文章、书籍与评论。他一生中获得了约65个荣誉、奖项和学位。[2]



1944年获得惠灵顿维多利亚大学心理学和教育学双硕士学位。 1947年,在匹兹堡大学精神病研究所学习而移民到美国。他后来离开匹玆堡。






曼尼很早就开始支持纽西兰文学和视觉艺术。他是艺术家珍娜·法兰姆(Janet Frame)的一位名流朋友、拥护者。在2002年,当他的帕金森症逐渐恶化时,他将自己的大部分美术收藏捐给了纽西兰Eastern Southland美术馆。[6]








  1. 出生性别指定与后天性别培养 assigned sex and sex of rearing
  2. 外生殖器形态 external genital morphology
  3. 内生殖器结构 internal reproductive structures
  4. 性激素与第二性征 hormonal and secondary sex characteristics
  5. 性腺的种类 gonadal sex
  6. 性染色体的类别 chromosomal sex





直到二十年后,大卫才向记者约翰·科拉平托(John Colapinto)和性学家米尔顿·戴蒙(Milton Diamond)对曼尼进行了控诉。戴蒙说服大卫将自己的经历公诸于世,以阻止其他医生继续实施对幼童的性别重塑手术。[13]1997年12月,大卫的故事由约翰·科拉平托发表于《滚石杂志》,引起了国际间的重视。[14] 2002年7月1日,布莱恩因服用过多抗忧郁剂而死亡;2004年5月4日,大卫也用一把削短型猎枪结束了自己的一生。[15] 利马夫妇也表示,是曼尼的实验导致了他们两个儿子的死亡。[16]


约翰·曼尼关于年龄偏好的观点十分重要,特别是其对于恋童的观点尤为突出。他表示,无论是性研究人员还是公众,都没有区分“基于爱情的恋童”和“带有虐恋倾向的恋童”。 他断言,前者仅出于爱情,而非性欲



  • Money, John. Hermaphroditism: An Inquiry into the Nature of a Human Paradox. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard University, 1952.
  • Money, John. The Psychologic Study of Man (1957) Thomas: ASIN B0007E4LMC
  • Money, John. A Standardized Road-Map Test of Direction Sense (1965) Academic Therapy Publications: ASIN B0006WTB2K
  • Money, John. Sex Errors of the Body and Related Syndromes: A Guide to Counseling Children, Adolescents, and Their Families , 2nd ed. Baltimore: P.H. Brooks Publishing Company, 1994. ISBN 1-55766-150-2
  • Money, John. Man & Woman, Boy & Girl: Gender Identity from Conception to Maturity. Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson, 1996. Originally published: Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972. ISBN 1-56821-812-5
  • Money, John, and Patricia Tucker. Sexual Signatures on Being a Man or a Woman. (1975) Little Brown & Co: ISBN 0-316-57825-8
  • Money, John. Love and Love Sickness: the Science of Sex, Gender Difference and Pair-Bonding, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980. ISBN 0-8018-2317-X, ISBN 0-8018-2318-8 (pbk.)
  • Money, John. The Destroying Angel: Sex, Fitness & Food in the Legacy of Degeneracy Theory, Graham Crackers, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes & American Health History. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1985. ISBN 0-87975-277-7
  • Money, John. Lovemaps: Clinical Concepts of Sexual/Erotic Health and Pathology, Paraphilia, and Gender Transposition in Childhood, Adolescence, and Maturity. New York: Irvington, 1986. ISBN 0-8264-0852-4
  • Money, John. Venuses Penuses: Sexology, Sexosophy, and Exigency Theory. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1986 ISBN 0-87975-327-7
  • Money, John. Gay, Straight, and In-Between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. ISBN 0-19-505407-5
  • Money, John. Vandalized Lovemaps: Paraphilic Outcome of 7 Cases in Pediatric Sexology. (1989) Prometheus Books: ISBN 0-87975-513-X
  • Money, John, and H. Musaph (eds). Biographies of Gender and Hermaphroditism. (1991) Elsevier Publishing Company: ISBN 0-444-81403-5
  • Money, John, Gordon Wainwright, David Hingsburger. The Breathless Orgasm: A Lovemap Biography of Asphyxiophilia. (1991) Prometheus Books: ISBN 0-87975-664-0
  • Money, John. The Kaspar Hauser Syndrome of "Psychosocial Dwarfism": Deficient Statural, Intellectual, and Social Growth Induced by Child Abuse. (1992) Prometheus Books: ISBN 0-87975-754-X
  • Money, John. The Adam Principle: genes. genitals, hormones, and gender: Selected readings in sexology. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1993. ISBN 0-87975-804-X
  • Ronald W. Keyes and John Money. The Armed Robbery Orgasm: A Lovemap Autobiography of Masochism. (1993) Prometheus Books: ISBN 0-87975-856-2
  • Money, John. Principles of Developmental Sexology. New York: Continuum, 1994. ISBN 0-8264-1026-X
  • Money, John. Reinterpreting the Unspeakable: Human Sexuality 2000 : The Complete Interviewer and Clinical Biographer, Exigency Theory, and Sexology for the Third. New York: Continuum, 1994. ISBN 0-8264-0651-3
  • Money, John. Gendermaps: Social Constructionism, Feminism, and Sexosophical History. New York: Continuum, 1995. ISBN 0-8264-0852-4
  • Money, John. The Lovemap Guidebook: A Definitive Statement. (1999) Continuum: ISBN 0-8264-1203-3
  • Krivacska, James J., and John Money, eds. The Handbook of Forensic Sexology: Biomedical & Criminological Perspectives. (1994) Prometheus: ISBN 0-87975-883-X


John Money: The Origins of Gender Identity


  1. Diamond M, Sigmundson HK (1997). Sex reassignment at birth. Long-term review and clinical implications. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 1997 Mar; 151(3):298–304. . Full text 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2009-08-26.
  2. Ehrhardt, Anke A. John Money, Ph.D.. The Journal of Sex Research. August 2007, 44 (3): 223–224. JSTOR 20620298. doi:10.1080/00224490701580741. 
  3. Duffy, J. (Winter 1999). Sexual Healing , Hopkins Medical News.
  4. (  Kiwi sexologist dies in US hospital . New Zealand Herald
  5. John William Money, 84, Sexual Identity Researcher, Dies ,The New Yorks Time,11Jul2006
  6. Brewington, Kelly (July 9, 2006). Dr. John Money 1921-2006: Hopkins pioneer in gender identity. Baltimore Sun
  7. 7.0 7.1 Money, John; Hampson, Joan G; Hampson, John. An Examination of Some Basic Sexual Concepts: The Evidence of Human Hermaphroditism. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. (Johns Hopkins University). October 1955, 97 (4): 301–19. 
  8. David Reimer: The boy who lived as a girl. CBC News. July 2002 [2006-01-20]. (原始内容存档于2006-02-04). 
  9. 9.0 9.1 Colapinto, J. As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl. Template:En-link. 2001. ISBN 0-06-092959-6.  Revised in 2006
  10. Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis Retrieved 24 December 2010.
  11. Dr Money and the Boy with No Penis. BBC. [2012-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-22). 
  12. Dr Money and the Boy with No Penis. BBC. Horizon. BBC. 2005 [2014-09-27]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-22). 
  13. Diamond, Milton; Sigmundson, HK. Sex reassignment at birth. Long-term review and clinical implications.. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. March 1997, 151 (3): 298–304 [2013-05-15]. PMID 9080940. doi:10.1001/archpedi.1997.02170400084015. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08). 
  14. Colapinto, John. The True Story of John/Joan. Rolling Stone. 1997-12-11: 54–97 [2018-07-02]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-09). 
  15. Colapinto, J. Gender Gap: What were the real reasons behind David Reimer's suicide?. Slate. 2004-06-03 [2009-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-27). 
  16. "Born a Boy, Raised as a Girl" Documentary, The Learning Channel
  17. The True Story of John / JoanThe Rolling Stone Pages 54-97, 11December1997
